Chapter 39

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"I seriously can't believe we're already leaving for California." I rubbed my eyes as I walked out of my bathroom and into my room. Luke was still laying in bed and looked like he was still sleeping.

He said something I couldn't hear since his words were muffled by pillows and blankets. I rolled my eyes and crawled back onto my bed, sitting right on top of him.

"It's time to get up, Luke." I shook his shoulders a he groaned. "It's only six in the morning." I joked.

"Can you please get off me?" He grumbled, not sounding himself. I got off of him and crawled back off my bed, watching his chest rise and fall a few more times before he rolled over and sat up.

I faint smile appeared on my face at the sight of him just waking up. Every person seems to hate the way they look when they get out of bed, but something about his colorless face and sleepy eyes went well with his messy hair. He looked perfect to me at anytime of the day.

"Do you want me to do anything for you?" I quietly asked, seeing that he wasn't in the best mood. He just shook his head at me and I turned around and walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

Usually when I was in a bad mood Luke had just stayed calm around me and was practically walking on eggshells. I hated that I made him do that, but it was a lot better than blowing up at him for something extremely stupid. As for when Luke was grumpy, I wasn't exactly sure because he has never been an angry person. He didn't like fighting or yelling or anything like that so he stayed away from it as much as he could.

I sat in the kitchen and at my breakfast since I decided against paying so much money in an airport for something so simple as a small meal. I heard water running from Luke's bathroom and I groaned as I was afraid we'd leave late and miss our flight.

I got up from my seat and set my dishes in the sink, heading towards Luke's bathroom door.

"Luke?" I called out, knocking on the door a few times. I figured he couldn't hear me since he didn't replied. "Luke." I said louder.

"What?" He asked back, his voice still sounding harsh from over the running water.

"We have to leave in less than half an hour." I reminded him yet hadn't gotten a response from him. I sighed and gave up seeing that I'd just have to deal with his mood for only a little while. I guessed that once he realized that we were going to be on the beach by the end of the day, he'd lighten up.

I went back into my room, double checking everything that was in my suitcase. I knew I really wouldn't need much besides a few bathing suits since I knew I'd be sleeping on the beach the whole day. I hadn't had much more to do to get ready to leave other than to get my things in the car and to actually change out of the clothes I slept in.

I looked down to take notice in my shorts that were covered up by Luke's t-shirt that i had on. I sighed once again and stripped down, grabbing a new set of clothes out of my drawers. I was about to turn around after I changed when I suddenly felt a pair of arms around my waist, making me jump.

"You scared me." I muttered, Luke's chin nuzzling into my neck. "And your hair is dripping." I told him, the cool water running down my neck.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I don't know why I'm in a bad mood." He said as I turned around to face him. He was only in the towel wrapped around his waist and had probably soaked my back since he hadn't dried off all the way.

"It's okay." I moved my hands around the back of his neck. "Just remember that we'll be on a flight to California in a few hours." I reminded him, giving him a weak smile.

He nodded his head and my hands went to the sides of his face, brushing away a few drops of water that ran down his face from his hair. He grabbed them and pulled them away from his face and held them in his owns hands for a second. He sighed and dropped them, walking out of my room and into his to get himself ready.

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