Forbidden (Black⭐️Star x Reader) Part 2

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Your POV~

Black⭐️Star has been visiting me in secret, because the school he goes to hunts witches. If someone got wind of him meeting a witch, I would probably be killed. He has also been teaching me how to fight. Without magic, of course.

We were currently in a sandy, hollowed out area. Perfect for training.

"Okay, when the opponent goes for your head, or the upper part of your body, you should bend backwards or crouch to dodge it. Then strike upwards and hit your opponent in the stomach. The stomach is a very good place to hit, as most of the internal organs are there. Now, try it on me, just not too hard though." Black⭐️Star instructed.

I nodded and stepped towards him. He swung towards my head with his fist. I crouched quickly, then balled up my hand into a fist and threw it forwards. My fist met its target. Black⭐️Star stumbled backwards, coughing.

"I told you, not too hard!"

I mumbled an apology as his weapon, Tsubaki, walked towards me. "You're improving, Y/n!"

Black⭐️Star, after recovering, grinned and shoved me playfully. "Good job. If you keep this up, you'll be on par with me!"

I blushed at receiving all this praise and started to fidget with my h/l h/c hair.

"I think that's enough training for today. Tomorrow, I'll teach you about how to do a good kick!" The boy chuckled.

He looked down at me with his emerald green eyes. "See you tomorrow!" He pulled me into a bear hug, then walked home with Tsubaki.

Watching them leave everyday after training broke my heart a little. After all, they are the only friends I have. Turning around and leaving the training ground behind, I skipped back to my own house.

I didn't tell Black⭐️Star or Tsubaki, but I really don't have a home. When they suggested I come stay at theirs, I declined and said I have my own. I couldn't put them in danger like that, no matter how much I wanted to take up that offer. So instead, I am currently living in an abandoned shed.

Curling up on the mattress I salvaged from the junk yard, I quickly fell asleep.

The next day I woke up around eight AM and headed out to the training grounds. Black⭐️Star was already there.

"YAHOO! You ready for more training, Y/n?" He shouted, pumping his fist into the air.

I nodded confidently.

"To deliver a strong, destructive kick, you should kick with your dominant foot. You start by swiveling your body around on the other foot. Using your body to move faster, you swing your dominant leg around and kick your opponent. The most effective places to kick are the middle of the stomach, the groin and the head."

I blinked, taking in the information. But I froze as I sensed another person nearby. Another boy rounded the corner. He looked interesting to say the least. He had black hair, with three white stripes on the left side. He was holding two pistols. A few seconds later, a girl followed. She had ash-blonde hair that was tied up into two pigtails. She was carrying a black and red scythe.

Black⭐️Star and I stiffened, realizing I had my Soul Protect off for training. I cringed at the hatred in the two new arrivals eyes.

The boy with the black hair and three stripes spoke up first.

"Maka and I sensed a witch around here. Are you alright, Black⭐️Star?" He then narrowed his eyes and pointed his twin pistols at me. Time seemed to stop as the boy shot.

I couldn't move. I was petrified. I closed my eyes, bracing for any sort of pain. But it never came.

I opened my eyes and gasped. Black⭐️Star was in front of me holding Tsubaki, who was in katana form. Smoke rose from a spot of the sword.

He shielded me.

The one apparently named Maka stepped forwards and shouted at Black⭐️Star.

"What is the meaning of this!? She's a witch!"

Black⭐️Star stared right at her and spoke four words that changed my life forever.

"Because I love her."

The boy with the three stripes, Maka and I yelled in unison.


I was clearly flustered, my face rivaling an oven. He turned and walked towards me. Wrapping his arms around me, he didn't break eye contact with the other two people.

Then he kissed me.

His lips were very soft and he was very gentle. I kissed back. It only lasted about ten seconds until he pulled away, a light blush decorating his tan face. "I don't care if she's a witch or not. I love her for her. Besides, she's not an evil one. She only has healing and barrier magic."

I cried in his arms. I've never been loved by anyone before. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck as he hugged me tighter.

Maka stepped forwards. "Then I guess we don't have anything to worry about. We could go talk to Lord Death and see if she could join the DWMA. If she wanted."

Death the Kid, whose named I learned later, nodded in agreement.

After turning on my Soul Protect, all of us headed to the DWMA. I finally found a home. I finally found someone who appreciates me for me.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I quite enjoyed writing this two part one shot. Votes and comments are always appreciated!

~Jade 💚

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