Chapter 6: Hurt

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Chapter 6: Hurt


~* Your POV *~

You paced around the floor wondering how you were going to tell your son that his father had just committed suicide. Tears welled in your eyes again, and you fell to the floor, leaning your chest on your knees. You felt a large body next to you and place his hand on your back.

"I am so so sorry you are in this position," Jin said, rubbing circled on your back.

"Where are we sleeping tonight?" your voice muffled under your hands.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch," he answered and stood up. You sat up and turned your face to see him.

"Oh no, Jin, you have your bed, Jae and I will take the couch, or floor, it doesn't matter,"

"No, you and Jae will take the bed, you both wont fit on the couch and the floor is too uncomfortable,"

"No, really Jin, we will sleep out here, it's really no big deal, I don't wanna be a bother, I shouldn't even be here," you gave him a reassuring chuckle, and he crossed him arms over his chest.

"Fine," he huffed, walking away, and coming back with multiple blankets and pillows. You stood up and took them from him, thanking him.

You walked towards the bathroom and heard Jae talking to himself, as you pressed your ear against the door.

"Please let daddy be okay," he mumbled, and you cracked the door slightly. Jae was sitting on his knees, his hands pressed together and held against his chest, in a 'praying' sort of way. You placed your hands over your mouth as tears formed and fell slowly, as you heard the prayer Jae was saying about Jungkook. You gently knocked on the door, pushing it open, and Jae stood up.


"Yeah, mama?"

"Lets- lets go to bed,"

"Okay, mama,"

You grabbed his hand and you walked away from the bathroom. When you came back to the living room, you saw Jin had set up a few blankets like a bed and pillows placed on one end. You smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you so so much, Jin," you whispered, still keeping Jaes small hand tightly fitted in yours. He nodded and smiled back.

"Get to sleep," he said, glancing down at Jae. Jae looked up at him and shot him a toothy smile. Jin bent down and rubbed the top of Jaes head.

"Its good to see you, Jaeyoung,"

"Hi Uncle Jin," Jae squeaked, he was so happy, he didn't know what had happened, and you wanted it to stay that way, but sooner or later you would have to tell him, and you chose later.

The next morning, you woke up with a slightly aching back, and as you propped yourself up on your elbows, you glanced at Jae who was sleeping peacefully on Jins couch. You got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You then grabbed your phone and called up Jimin.

"Hey, can I ask a huge favor of you?"

"Yeah, of course," he said, his voice was husky as if he had just woken up, and you frowned, sighing into the phone.

"I-I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No-no, I was getting up,"

"Well, can Jae and I stay the night over there tonight? I have something to tell you,"

"Yeah, of course, is everything okay?" he asked, and you could hear him shuffling around, and you had assumed he had gotten out of bed.

"No, its not, but I'll tell you later," and you hung up. Jin walked out of his bedroom, a towel wrapped low on his waist, his chest had droplets of water slowly dripping down his chest, and his hair was till wet, causing it to stick to his forehead.

"Good morning, (y/n)," he said as he walked passed you and opened the fridge. You watched him as he pulled the eggs out.

"Good morning," you replied. He pulled a pan out and turned on the stove, placing the pan on the burner and spraying it with non stick spray. He cracked an egg and let it fall into the pan, followed it by a sizzling sound.

"I called Jimin earlier, but I didn't tell him, I figured I could do it in person," you spoke and Jin nodded his head.

"Good choice,"

You gupled down some more water and went to wake up Jae, but when you peeked around the corner, you saw he was already up.

"Hey, Jae, you can turn on t.v if you would like," Jin shouted and he smiled, nodding his head and grabbing the remote. You leaned against the counter and wrapped your arms over your stomach. Tears made there way to your eyes as you thought about how Jae didn't have a father figure anymore. You looked up at Jin who was flipping an egg and singing a song.

Your heart hurt so bad, knowing Jungkook was gone, his voice ran through your head and his smile flashed multiple times. You squeezed your eyes multiple times and shook your head, throwing the thoughts away.

"I can't do this," you muttered to yourself, but Jin heard you and took a step closer to you, pulling you into him.

"Oh, (y/n)," is all he whispered. He pulled away when the sound of the eggs popping rung through your ears.

"Jaeyoung, breakfast is ready," he called out and Jae sat the kitchen table, as Jin placed his plate of eggs in front of him.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that," you said, and Jin looked at you as if you were crazy.

"What do you mean? I'm not going to not feed you and your kid," he said, letting a small giggle out at the end. But you didn't laugh. You felt you didn't deserve to laugh. You could never laugh or genuinely smile now that Jungkook was no longer with you.

"Well, still, thank you, and thank you for letting us stay here last night, we found a friend to stay with tonight so will we be out of your hands," you told him and he had a worried exprssion on his face.

"Don't worry, we will be fine,"

Death Of A Kookie ♡ COMPLETED ♡ [Sequel to Sex With A Kookie]Where stories live. Discover now