Chapter 18: Lyrics

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Chapter 18: Lyrics


~* Jae's POV *~

"Jaeyoung?" Namjoon mumbled, as he knocked lightly on my bedroom door, pushing it open.

"Hm?" I groggily muttered. Is it morning already?!

"Why are you awake?" He questions as he stepped more into my room.

"Oh, er, I just woke up actually, bad dream," I lied, pushing the pile of scribbled on papers

"Oh, well breakfast it down on the table so come down when you're ready,"

After he left, I slumped out of my bed and slid a pair of socks on.

The kitchen filled my heart with warmth as the smell of cinnamon rolls careered my nose hairs.

"Mmm, my mouth is watering," I broke the silence as I approached the tray of those delectable little rolls.

"Good morning Jae," Jimin and Tae entered the kitchen.

"Well, now that we are all here," Namjoon began speaking, his voice was low.

"Jae, we have a surprise for you," Jimin said, and Hoseok came walking down the stairs with a small, blue gift bag in his hand.

"Guys, you didn't have to get me anything,"

"Well, since we didn't give you anything yesterday, we decided to get you something small, to say the least,"

Hoseok handed me the bag and I just kinda stared at it.

"Well open it, silly," Taehyung said. And I obeyed, taking the white tissue paper out the bag.

"Is this-?"

"A lyric book," Namjoon smiled as he finished my sentence.

"Thank you, I love it," I told them in all honesty.

After I opened my gift and we kinda just talked for a while, I decided to go back up to my room.

I opened my new lyric book, trying to get thoughts and special quotes to flow through my mind, but I couldn't come up with anything.

The blank white page stared and laughed at me.

Then it hit me.

So I started going crazy, writing stuff and getting inspired and making a melody and tune for my lyrics and coming up with a title.

After nearly 3 hours of just writing and composing, I had a song. Not a good one, but hey, it's in progress.

So I started practicing and I actually started to learn how to play the guitar, thanks to YouTube, and I taught myself how to play my own melody on it.

Every single day, I continued to write and improve my song and learn to sing and play and the song at the same time.

I started learning how to sing when I around 8 or 9, because I guess I always told Namjoon I wanted to be 'just like daddy'. So he helped me, along with the help of all the other guys.

4 days have passed since I began writing my song, and I think I have come such a long from my original lyrics.

Next thing I know, it's been 5 weeks and I am so happy and proud of the outcome and pretty much final version of my song.

"Namjoon!" I yelled down, cupping my hands around my mouth.

"Yes, Jae?" Namjoons voice came crawling into my room.

"Can you come here?"

And after a few minutes of no response, I just got up and went downstairs myself, my song in my hands.

"So I did something," I told Namjoon as he stared blankly at the TV.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" He asked, diverting his eyes to look at me.

"Well, I want this to be a surprise to the other guys and I eventually want to perform it, but I wrote a song,"

I handed the paper to Namjoon and as he read it, he started to tear up.

"Are- are these... Jungkooks lyrics?" His voice low and brittle.

I slowly nodded my head, "Well, most parts of the song are, but other parts are solely mine,"

"Jae, this is so beautiful!" Namjoon stood up and threw his arms around me.

"Thank you Namjoon,"

I wrapped my arms around Namjoons figure and hugged his gently.

"I also wrote a guitar part for it," I explained and Namjoon pulled back, his eyes wide and stained with tears.

"You did? May I hear it?"

I nodded my head yes, and jogged upstairs to retrieve my guitar.

After singing the song for him, I had to go grab him a box of tissues.

"But, I want you, Jimin, Taehyung, And Hoseok to sing a few parts," I told Namjoon.

He nodded his head and stood up, grabbing his jacket.

"Let's go to the studio, I'll call the guys on the way there and tell them to meet us,"

I nodded and we quickly made our way to the car and sped off towards the studio.


Hey guys! So at the very beginning of the chapter, I'm not going to put that it's Jae's point of view because the rest of the book is going to be in his point of view! Just a heads up so don't get confused or anything!

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