Chapter 17: The Box and The Note

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Chapter 17: The Box and The Note


~* Jae's POV *~

Sitting in my room, crossed legged, staring at the infamous box from my mom and dad.

"You can do this Jae," I told myself. I tried to convince myself that it would be okay, but I knew I would cry the moment I opened it.

So I slowly took the lid off. And the first thing lying on the top was a letter. Written in pink ink.

'Dear my beloved son. Jeon Jaeyoung. I first off want to start by saying I'm so sorry. As a mom, I should've been stronger that this, but I wasn't. I love you so much Jae. I hope when you read this, you're old enough to understand the struggle your father and I went through and you learn to be strong and live your life to the fullest. I've left you to be taken in with Namjoon and Jin. They are amazing and I think you'll learn a lot from them. In this box is a ton of pictures of your father and I and a ton of pictures of all of us, as a family. I also added some of your fathers items and a couple of mine, just so you have something from each of us. Enjoy looking through this, and don't tear up baby. We love and miss you so much, and we are watching you and sending our love to your from Heaven. Hugs and Kisses. Mom.'

Tears rolled down my cheeks and a couple dropped onto the paper. I quickly tried to wipe them, but ended up smearing a few words.

I set the paper to the side and pulled out the next thing that caught my eye. A stack off pictures, beautifully tied together with a red ribbon.

Pictures of my dad, pictures of my mom and dad together, pictures of my mom, my dad and me when I was first born, and pictures of little me with all the boys.

"Wow," I whispered to myself as I admired each individual picture.

My mother is breath taking and my father is so handsome. Wow. I am speechless.

The next thing I pulled out is a cologne, a small label on it saying 'Jungkooks cologne'. I sprayed a small amount of it into the air and took a big breathe in.

It was the most amazing smell I had ever smelled. I set it gently aside, close to me on the floor.

The next thing I took out was a pink bottle which, again, had a label on it reading '(Y/N)'s perfume' and doing the same thing I did with the last spray, I pressed the spray thing and my moms scent filled air, pulling me back into my childhood.

I remember my mom always smelling like this, anytime I hugged her when she was crying, this exact scent filled my lungs. More tears escaped from my eyes, making there way down my red cheeks.

Next, I pulled out a pair of shoes, which I knew were my dads.

Then, I pulled out a small black velvet box. I scrunched my brows as I had no clue what to expect to be in this box. So I slowly opened it to reveal to wedding rings.

My moms was a beautiful diamond ring, and let me just say, the diamond was huge. Good job dad! It glistened from the light of room. My eyes couldn't seem to be torn apart from it.

Then my dads was in there. It was a simple silver bad, but engraved on the inside, was my dads initials, my moms initials and the date they got married.

I set the two rings on my night stand, as I had an idea.

The next thing I grabbed was a white t shirt. I raised an eyebrow because what the heck was a shirt doing in his box. But I figured it was probably Mom or dads so I just set it with the rest of the stuff.

Last but not least, I pulled out a thick, brown leather covered book.


I opened the old book, and scammed through the pages. As I read a few of my dads lyrics, it's like I was traveling through my dads mind.

Some lyrics were written of love and faith and hope, and some were written about pain and hurt and suffering. Near the end is when it got deep and really heart breaking. His lyrics were so beautiful. It's such a shame they couldn't have been made into a song.

I closed the book and gently rubbed my thumb over the cover.

"I love you both, so much!" I whispered, as I tilted my head back.

I got up from the floor and went straight to my dresser. I knew I had a small chain in there.

When I finally found it, I pulled it out and held it right in my hand, making sure I didn't drop it.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my mother and fathers ring, sliding them into the silver necklace chain.

My moms sparkling diamond ring next to my dads simple but elegant ring, was so beautiful. My mom and dad must've loved each other so much. They were, and still are, such a beautiful couple.

I put the wedding ring necklace on and tucked in under my shirt. The cold metal sent chills down my torso and I almost felt as if my mother and father were in the same room as me.

Now I have my beloved mother and father right next to my heart, where they will always be. No matter what.

Death Of A Kookie ♡ COMPLETED ♡ [Sequel to Sex With A Kookie]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ