Chapter 13: Shock and Reunion

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I can't believe my eyes. I have to be hallucinating. I took my meds today. But this, this can't be possible. I hear myself gasp again. Thomas looks at me, worried.

"J-James?" I ask hesitantly. He turns around and stares at me.

"Alexander?" I nod and run to him. Now I'm hugging him and crying in the middle of SmashBurger.

"I'm sorry Alex, I'm so sorry, they took me on a boat during the hurricane, I screamed for you, I'm sorry!" He's crying too and I shake my head.

"No, it wasn't your fault, but I thought you were dead, they told me you were dead! How could they- how could- how.." I tell him and wipe away my tears. He does the same.

"Tommy," I notice Maria and Eliza joined his side, so I start over.

"Tommy, Maria, Eliza... this is my brother, James." They all gasp but smile. I see an employee smiling but looking at us like we're a little crazy. I take my friends, boyfriend and brother to a table.

"I'm Eliza, Alex's ex. He's like a brother to me." Eliza smiles and hugs James. He looks happy someone was looking after me. After all, he knew of all my shenanigans from when we were little.

"It's good to hear someone's looking after him. I'm James, but Lex already told you that." I smile at the childhood nickname. Maria moves closer to James so she can introduce herself.

"Maria. Eliza's SoulMate, and a good friend of Alex." James nods and I smile. I really hope all my friends like him.

"And I'm Thomas. Alex's SoulMate. Don't worry, I'd never hurt him, wouldn't even dream of it." Thomas says. James grins and hugs him too.

"Well, future brother-in-law, it's good to hear you're keeping my little brother safe. The things we did as kids, man..." we all laugh.

"James, I'll have to introduce you to my other friends later. Wait! It's free period. Can I invite them here?" I ask Eliza and she nods.

"Of course you can!" She says with a grin. I'm happy, I thinks she likes James.

I open my phone and send out a text.

A.Ham: hey, can all you guys meet Eliza, Maria, Tommy and I at SB? There's something important I need to tell y'all... or  rather, show..
PeglegSchuyler: yeah!! Are you ok?
FrenchBaguette: of course, mon ami. And as Peggy said, is all good?
WomenInTheSequel: on my way! Be there in 5
HercsHorses: Laf and I are almost there
TurtleJohn: halfway there!! I stg if Thomas did something I'll kill him
A.Ham: yeah I'm fine guys. More than fine. Hurry though!! You'll want to see this.

A few minutes later, everyone comes through the door. They all rush over when they see me.

"Alex! What's up?" John asks, looking at James with a confused expression.

"Sit down, guys. Actually, go get your food. Ours just got here." I say, gesturing at our burgers and fries. They run to the counter and order. There food comes and they rejoin us at the table, looking very excited.

"Spill already, Alex!" Peggy says, and everyone choruses yeahs in the background.

"Ok. I was born in the Caribbean. At age 8, my dad left. 10, my mother died, and at 11 there was a hurricane, in which I nearly died and my brother did die. Or, that's what I thought. Everyone, meet my older brother, James." I gesture to James, whose sitting to the left of me. Peggy and Laf scream, Angie looked sad but was suddenly ecstatic looking, and John and Herc were sitting, mouths hanging wide open.

"Hi." James says simply.

"Hercules Mulligan. Great to meet you. I'm sure I'll like you, you're Alex's brother!"

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