Chapter 22: Pain and Notes

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AUTHORS NOTE: ahh chapter 22! Here we go. It's been a few days since I've updated but we're still going! I explained why I haven't been updating in the part before this, so go check that out. Without further ado, Chapter 22! (Hey that rhymes😂💕)

*8 months later*

I know this feeling. Angelica described it to me after Jasmine was born.

My water just broke.

"Alex! Thomas!" I scream across our shared home. They rush out and see me, pants covered in a weird, watery substance and immediately know what's going on.

"Holy shit!" I hear Alex yell as he calls Maria and all our friends. I step outside after quickly changing out of my soiled jeans, onto the sidewalk. The street we live on is central and bustling. I hail a taxi, thanking God I don't have to wait long. I ask the driver to wait a sec as I try to control my breathing.

"Hurry up! The taxis here!" I yell. I hear Alex and Thomas come pounding down the stairs, baby bag in hand.

We jog outside, getting into the taxi.

"Where to?" The driver asks.

"Princeton Hospital, the Maternity Side," Alex says. "And hurry. She's having a baby." He points to me and the driver nods, speeding off towards the hospital. The drive is painful. It couldn't have taken more than 10 minutes to get there, but by the time we arrived, my contractions were speeding up and my breath was fast.

"It's okay, Eliza. You can do this." Thomas says encouragingly as I'm wheeled into a room. Maria sprints in 3 minutes later, panting.

"I didn't miss it, did I?" She asks, out of breath. I shake my head, panting as well and trying not to scream in pain as the doctors tell me to push. I try and try and try but it just isn't working.

After 3 hours of labor, my contractions are faster than ever and more painful. I just want this goddamn baby out of me.

Alex, Thomas and Maria are all giving me words of support and sympathy, but they don't know what it's like. I wish Angelica was here.

I cry out in pain as I push again and again, per the doctors requests. A nurse comes over, looking to see if the baby's head is close.

"It's probably going to be a few more hours. I'm sorry, sweetheart, you gotta keep pushing." She says. I nod and scream, tears in my eyes threatening to spill. This is the most pain I've ever felt. I hope I never have to do this again.

The contractions are still rapid and painful. Two more hours have passed and they've allowed Angelica in, since she knows what child-birthing is like.

"Oh, sweetie." She says, frowning when she sees me. I'm sweating like crazy, and tears are about to join the mix. My face is read and my legs are up and spread, trying to get the baby out.

"Hi Angie." I manage to get out of my throat, which is raw from screaming.

"Ok. Take my hand, ok? I want you to push in the middle of your contraction." She tells me. I nod, even though I've already done it. I'm praying that this child just decides to get out of me after this push.

"1...2...3... now!" She counts off and I push, screaming louder than ever and feeling extreme pain. Tears are now streaming down my face and it's hard to breath. I try to do what we did in the car, but it isn't working. I see black dots swimming around. I hear a nurse,

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