chapter 2

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I awoke sleepy, it was 8:00 in the morning!!tonight was the show... I looked at my phone and sighed. I got up and jumped in the shower and got out and put on some shorts with a shirt. I dried my hair and brushed it. I then finally brushed my teeth. I heard a knock on my door and walked to it too see oliver standing there in a black shirt and black pants. She had red hair and blue eyes. I smiled and she did the same."you ready!!!"she smiled and jumped up and down. I nodded and grabbed my wallet and phone.

We walked in the mall it has been too long since I have been shopping. Oliver grabbed my hand and drug me too a store. It was called hot topic and was filled with black stuff and different things. She pulled me in and I just looked around. I seen a cute dress that was black and blue. It was really beautiful. The only thing was it had a waste band with the pentagram. I was not against it, just...I guess didn't like it. If people loved it...that's them not me. Oliver came beside me and smiled. "I'll wear that dress!!!" She smiled and grabbed it. I nodded and continued too walk around. I soon see a checkered black and red dress. I actually really liked it. I grabbed it and went too the dressing room. I came out and oliver clapped."you have joined the dark side!!!"she laughed me laughing with her. I went back in and took it off putting my cloths back on. I walked back out and she held a black choker and black cloves. I smiled and nodded, we checked out and headed too lunch then home too get ready.

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