chapter 12

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They crowded around me and Jade and toxic was also confused. "Code red....get her out of here!!!" Shade whispered too us. "What's going on?!"I asked concerned."please tell me not this again?!"toxic said almost in tears."jayy goes into these insane phases when he's hurt or upset....he did the same thing but worse when mother died!"toxic cried more. I looked as Jayy paced the room pulling at his hair."jayy calm down!"zero growled softly."I am calm!"he growled sitting down."get her out of her he's in a blood lust!!"Wiccan said looking at us. Jade nodded and grabbed my arm."run now!"melody said tackling jayy. He growled and threw her across the room I took off Jade behind me. I heard screaming and yelling. I kept going then when we almost made it out. Jayy was standing there. I stopped and looked him dead in the eyes. They was fully black."love..."I said softly walking towards him. Jade grabbed my arm. I pulled away and he stared back."I'm not mad at you...I don't hate you...I'm just upset...."I said raising my hand up a little. he twitched a little his eyes soften. I cupped his cheek as the people around us watched."I love you..."I said softly. His eyes turned blue and he looked at me and hugged me."I'm sorry I lied too you!!"he cried out."it's okay!"I said softly and kissed his cheek. Jade sighed and the pack ran down and smiled softly. The citizens watched confused."let's go home!"I smiled and he nodded. We walked out and he turned too his dragon form and took off the the rest behind him.

One week later.

Jayy still would not change me. I laid in bed and sighed. Jade walked in running from Vincent."what is going on?!"I said standing in front of Jade."oh come on!!" Vincent whined."I'm in heat!"Jade whimpered."then go have sex!"I said shrugging."I don't want too get pregnant!"she whined. "You get pregnant?!"I said terrified now."I'm surprised Jayy hasn't fucked you yet!"Vincent laughed. Jayy walked in and looked at them."out now!"he growled softly."oh spoken too soon!!"Vincent laughed as Jade launched out the door Vincent on her tail. Jayy shut the door and sighed walking too me and sitting on the bed."you since your kind in heat don't you..."I said softly. He nodded and laid down. I got on top of him and smiled softly."I'm here..."I said kissing his neck." tempting but I don't want too hurt you..."jayy said pushing me off."then turn me!!"I whined laying there."no..."he sides leaning up. I growled and pushed him back down and started too unbuckle his pants "babe!"he said surprised."shhhh!"I said pulling his pants off. Let's just say he only craved me more!

I sat on the bed as Jayy pulled his pants up. "Thank you love.."he smiled kissing me roughly. I nodded and he walked out. I felt pain in my stomach and ran too the bathroom. I pulled down my pants and seen blood everywhere."shit I forgot my period was soon!!!" What an inconvenience. I locked the bathroom door knowing the pack was going too smell it. I heard a knock on the door and peeped out too see jayy."hey babe is everything okay?"I asked smiling softly."ya just smelt blood and wanted too make sure everything was fine..."he said trying too peep in."oh I'm fine just pricked my self shaving!!"I smiled shutting the door. I took a deep breath and sat on the bathtub and just sat there."jayy..."I said and he open the door and looked at me. He seen the blood then his eyes widen."oh um..."he said softly."I got up and rubbed the back of my head."do you have Advil?" I asked rubbing my stomach."ya I do!"he said opening the medicine cabinet. He handed me the bottle. I took two and put the bottle up. I sighed and decided too lay in bed. "Jayy..."I said as he sat in the chair drinking some blood. He looked at me and nodded."please just fuck me..."I whined, more in a pleading way. He laughed and got up tackling me kissing me roughly.

He was on top slamming into me. He pinned my arms above my head. I moaned loudly biting my lip and arching my back."I love you so much!!"Jayy growled softly in my ear."I love you too!"I moaned out pleading for more. He felt so good! I loved how rough he was too me!  I honestly didn't want him too stop...

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