chapter 16

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I awoke to Jayy cuddling me at 3am. I leaned up and felt pain deciding too go to the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom door just too hear water splash on the ground. I stood there paralyzed."...Ja...Jayy!"I said kinda loud. I heard him sit up and I looked back at him. he looked at me confused and concerned."it's time!"I said pointing too much belly. His eyes widen and he jumped up and pushed my back in bed taking my cloths off. I just laid there terrified. Jayy howled loudly and suddenly everyone ran in."Wiccan it's time!!"Jayy said looking behind him too Wiccan."babe run and get my kit!!!"Wiccan told toxic. I laid there and breathed softly. Jayy spread's my legs and waits for toxic to come back. Toxic ran in and handed Wiccan the box. Wiccan sat it beside me and opened the box turning places with Jayy. Suddenly I felt pain the made me scream. Jayy grabbed my hand and kissed my head. My breath and heart rate picked up as I gritted my teeth. "Push!"Wiccan commanded. I pushed as hard as I could making me scream. "Come one Luna!!!"Wiccan growled. I pushed as hard as I could screaming bloody Mary.  I heard a soft infant cry and sighed. Jayy looked at the child and grabbed it from Wiccan. Wiccan handed him scissors. Jayy cut the cord and cuddled the bundle of joy. Melody, shade, and toxic ran over to see their brother or sister."it's a girl love..."Jayy said handing me the child.  I held her close and she had looks like me but she had dark brown hair. I kissed her head and whipped her off."hello little Celine..."I smiled as she grabbed my hand."perfect name love..."Jayy smiled laying beside me.

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