chapter 21

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Jayy tackled me on the bed slamming into me making me scream in pleasure. He pinned my hands above my head going harder but slow. I arched my back looking in his eyes moaning and groaning. He smiled kissing me roughly. He released my hands and I instantly gripped his back digging my nails into him. That night we kept going, but we used protection this time!! ;)

I awoke and stretched. I has been 6 years since we got married. Me and Jayy lived by our selves since the others decided to move to there own place around town. I heard the door open and in ran Celine Jayy walking behind her. I smiled as she climbed in bed and cuddled into me."hello dear!"I smiled cuddling her."hi mama!!!"she smiled. She was a gorgeous child! "Jayy I need too take her and sign her into school..." I said softly rubbing her head. He nodded and handed me her birth card. I smiled and got up getting dressed."tell daddy by dear!" I smiled and she cuddled Jayy and kissed his cheek. I walked over and kissed him softly. "I'll be back this evening..." I grabbed her hand and we walked too the car. I finally got my own car! It was a blue 2015 Subaru BRZ. I buckled Celine in her seat and headed too the school. I pulled in and got out helping Celine out. We walked in and too the office."hello how may I help you?"the front office lady asked."yes I'm here to enroll my daughter..."I smiled and Celine jumped up and waved. She nodded and handed me papers. Me and Celine sat down and is started the papers."mama...why do I have to go to school..."Celine asked looking at me. I smiled and looked at her."so you can learn amazing things!!"I smiled and kissed her head. She smiled and nodded. I finished the paper work out and then they sent us back too the principal's office. She looked at her computer and didn't speak."you daughter is 6 years old....and does she know anything..."the persona asked."well she's a very sweet um she know her ABC's and numbers...I teach her add and subtract and started too teach her multiply..."I smiled she nodded and smiled."she starts tomorrow just bring her in then we will get her a bus schedule... "The person smiled." Oh um I was just going to pick her up everyday!" I smiled and she nodded. We walked out and I put her in her car seat. I got in and Celine smiled." wanna go get you some new cloths Celine?"I asked looking back at her. She perks up and nodes."alright let me call daddy!" I smiled pulling my phone out. "Hello" Jayy said, his office voice sound so hot."hey babe I'm gonna go get Celine some school cloths need anything?" I asked smiling."oh no I don' carful you two and have fun!" Jayy said in a upper tone. "Alright love you!" I smiled pulling out. "Love you too!" We hung up and I drove too a near by mall they had built. Me and Celine walked in and headed too a child cloths store. I walked in and looked around Celine by my side. I seen some cute outfits and grabbed them. I walked too the registers and the guy looked me up and down. I ignored it and waited for him too ring us up. He started and then started too talk."so you from around here?" He asked smiling."I hope so...I mean am married and have a child"I said stern holding my hand in the counter. He looked down and stayed quiet. I swear men! I paid and we walked out."mom can we get ice cream!!!"Celine begged. I nodded and we headed too the food center. We walked up too chillers and ordered some ice cream then sat down and started too dig in. I looked at the total for the cloths. I spent 109 dollars. I shit....I hope Jayy is not pissed. I sighed and finished eating. We walked around and had fun let Celine ride some rides and play on the play set they had. "Mama mama!" Celine smiled pointing too a topic. Memories flushed back of me and oliver shopping here. I walked in Celine behind. I looked around and sighed softly."can i help you!"the employ asked. I looked at her and shook my head."just looking..."I said and continued. I seen a shit that was of Jayy's band. I smiled and seen they had a size for Celine."hey baby do you want a shirt of daddy and the pack?" I asked she smiled. I grabbed the shirt and then continued too look around. I  seen they had a piercing place and smiled."dad has those!" Celine said pointing too the lip studs. I smiled and nodded."yes he does..."I smiled and kissed her head."you gonna get any mama?"she asked looking up at me."I might one day..."I smiled and we paid for the shirt. We walked out too the car and I buckled her in. I got in and drove from the mall."mama can I wear daddy's shirt tomorrow!! "Celine asked smiling. I nodded and continued to drive. I remember that Jayy stopped touring till Celine was old enough to understand think she will understand it now. Jayy loved too tour it was his favorite thing.

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