chapter 8

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I was sitting with the pack and Oliver and we sat in silence. Jayy walked in and sat beside me and kissed my head pulling me close."we are here...."Levi said walking too us. I nodded and got up Jayy right behind me. "Levi I want you too get us all plane tickets....."Jayy said and Levi nodded. I can't believe it's happening! I'm leaving this place!! Me and Jayy walked out and walked in my house too see my parents sitting in the living room."where have you been and who is this!!"mother growled dad right behind her."this is Jayy! My lover..."I said grabbing his hand. My mother gasped and they got even pissed."you are such a slut!!!"my dad growled and went too slap me till Jayy grabbed his hand and roared. My dad and mother looked terrified."I told you too leave her alone or I would kill you!!!"Jayy growled and they looked at me then Jayy."you can just have the slut!!!"dad laughed and they left. I looked down...I'm still a virgin yet I'm a slut."babe dont worry about it..."Jayy said softly hugging me. I nodded and I walked too my room starting too get packed. I felt someone rube my side and suck on my neck. I rubbed the hand that was on my side and tilted my head too the side."I love you...."Jayy whispered softly. I smiled softly and turned towards him and cuddled into him."I love you too" I finished packing and we headed too the bus. I felt really tired and decided too go lay down. I  grabbed the shirt that Jayy let me wear and cuddled with it in bed. I heard the door open but I kept my eyes closed. The bed dipped and I felt someone laying beside me. I cuddled into them and smiled softly. I knew it was Jayy, it smelled just like the shirt. I felt lips on my head and I smiled more and slowly fell asleep.

"Love it's time too get up.."I heard jayy say softly. I opened my eyes and seen jayy standing there looking in my eyes. I nodded and leaned up yawning. "You can sleep more on the plane..."jayy said grabbing our stuff."...I...I'm actually terrified of flying...."I said softly. Jayy made me look at him and I looked deep in his eyes."I promise nothing will happen!"jayy smiled, making me smile. I got up and noticed I still had his shirt in my hand."here..."I said handing him his shirt. He shook his head."keep it..."he said and kissed my head. I smiled and when we walked out I just cuddled the shirt and embraced it's smell. I finished packing leaving Jayy's shirt out. I walked out and seen everyone Carrying things out. "We have 1st class..."Jayy told me handing me my ticket. I nodded and we finished giving the airport our stuff. We walked in the airport and too our gate. I grabbed Jayy's hand literally shaking. Jayy kissed my head and smiled softly. We heard screaming and Jayy turned too see a group of people waving at us. He waved back and smiled. We had 3 hours till our plan took off so I drug Jayy over too the group. "Hello!!!"one of the girls smiled waving."hi!"I smiled back."so what's your name's"I asked as Jayy stood there."I'm Sally, this is; Tom, shelby, and Cheyenne !"Sally smiled introducing us too them. I smiled and waved. "So you a fan?"Jayy asked curious. "eh somewhat...Cheyenne is the biggest fan here!"Shelby smiled as Cheyenne stood there in a deep trans."so is this your girlfriend?"Cheyenne asked curious. "Ya we are heading back home actually today..."he said rubbing the back of his neck."awe you two are a cute couple!"Sally smiled and I laughed. "You look like someone I know?" Tom said looking closely."oh I have a YouTube account where I interview bands and sing!"I said softly. "OMG I'm actually a big fan!!!"Shelby smiled excited."wait you sing?"Jayy asked curious. "Ya..."I said smiling."she's a really good singer!! You should do a song together it would be beautiful!!!"Cheyenne smiled clapping her hands. "Mmm we will have too do that"jayy smiled excited. "Well I think I should head home girl..."Oliver said as she walked over. I smiled and tackled her in a hug. She hugged back and laughed,"I'll come visit!!!"I smiled and hugged her again. She nodded and hugged back."it was nice too meet you!"Oliver told the pack and she left. I smiled softly and turned back to Jayy and the rest too see them talking."I'm gonna miss Oliver..."I said softly looking down."I know love....we will come visit a lot!"Jayy smiled kissing my head. I nodded and smiled looking at the group."so cute!"they smiled. I handed them my number and told them too keep in touch. And soon enough it was time too get on our plane.

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