chapter 22

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I pulled in and got out and helped Celine out and grabbed the bags. We walked in and Jayy smiled and walked over."so did you two have fun?!"Jayy asked smiling. We smiled and nodded. "Mama show daddy the shirt please!!!" Celine begged. I giggled and sat the bags down and handed her the shirt she smiled and ran over too Jayy and handed him the shirt. He looked at it and smiled."did your mother make you?" Jayy smiled. Celine shook her head and smiled. Jayy smiled lifted her up and kissed her head."mind if I take her too school in the morning?"Jayy asked. I nodded and grabbed the bags and headed too Celine's room putting her cloths up. Celine and Jayy walked in laughing. I looked at them and smiled."mama! Can we go walk too the lake!"Celine smiled. I nodded and we headed out. Celine hasn't been drinking blood since she started eating human food. She knows what she is she excepts it but hate the drinking blood part tho. Me and Jayy sat watching Celine play around and try too catch butterflies. "She is the sweetest thing..." Jayy smiled and kissed my head. I nodded and smiled. She reminded me of oliver...I remember Oliver telling me she loved the name Celine...I won't tell Jayy that's why I named our daughter that...I hope oliver is in a better place.

Jayy's POV

I awoke from my alarm I had set. I got up and took a shower before I awoke Celine and helped her get dressed. She held up one of my band shirts and smiled."I want to dress up like you daddy!!!"she smiled  and I smiled back and nodded. I picked her up and carried her too our bathroom. I sat her on the counter and pulled out my make up."how can I show my fangs and eyes papa!"she asked looking in the mirror. "Let's leave that for a different time dear..." I said and grabbed some of my softly make up. I did her make up and she looked in the mirror and smiled. I seen it was time to take her too school and I had her grab her backpack and we headed to school.

I pulled in and got out and walked her too the door. All the mothers looked at me.  I hugged Celine and kissed her."by papa I love you!!!"she smiled and ran into school. I leaned up and turned around to see 3 mothers looking at me. I looked at them confused."what's your name? "They asked." Jayy moonlight..."I said confused. "Are you single Jayy?" One of the mom smiled and looked me up and down."actually no I'm not I'm happily married."I said starting to walk away."see you would mister Jayy!"they giggled. I sighed and just shook my head getting back on my car and heading home. I walked in just too get tackled by Lilith. She kissed me roughly and grinded on me. I smiled and kissed back grabbing her ass. She moaned out and pulled my shirt off. I picked her up and carried her too our room and had a lot of fun!

Lilith's POV

Me and Jayy was laying in bed panting. I kissed his cheek and got up and dressed.  "I love you!" He smiled as he stared at my ass. I giggled and looked back at him. He looked in my eyes and smirked pulling him back to him. I smiled and he licked my neck and sucked on it."Jayy I have to go pick up Celine!"i laughed getting up he sighed and nodded getting up and dressed."you wanna go?"I asked looking at him. He shook his head quickly."what happen?"I asked crossing my arms."just got hit on by some of the single mothers..."he said softly. I growled and grabbed his arm pulling him too the car."let's go!"I growled and he nodded.

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