chapter 13

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I laid in bed as Jayy was of course eating me out. Damn period, but at least he is not out killing people. He spread my legs wide and stuck his tongue in me."Jayy" I moaned softly arching my back. The door open and Jade walked in but went too walk straight back out."no Jade wait!!"I said leaning up making Jayy whine. She peeped back in."please take me too the store!!!"I begged as Jayy looked at Jade then me. She nodded and I jumped out and got dressed."BAAAAABE NUUUUU!!!" Jayy whined laying there upset."I'll be back!"I laughed and we headed into town."so I'm pregnant..."Jade said as she drove."oh!! That was quick!"I said surprised. "'s a 49% chance the child will be born alive..."she said shrugging."I actually need a pregnancy test..."I said softly. Jade quickly looked at me."what.."I said softly."the birth will kill you!!"she said concerned. What!"I keep telling him too change me!"I said softly."he needs too before he gets you pregnant!"Jade said really concerned. I looked down. This is not good.

I ran too the bathroom and took the test I paced around the room terrified. It was finally time too see the results..... positive....I slipped down too the ground crying. "Babe?"I heard Jayy said concerned. I quickly locked the door."what?"I said whipping my tears."you okay?!"he asked trying too open the door."I'm fine can I please talk too Jade and toxic immediately!"I said holding the test. I heard jayy leave. I waited and heard the door slam open"hey it's Jade and toxic what's wrong?!"Jade said concerned."is jayy gone..."I asked concerned."yes!"toxic said also worried. I quickly opened the bathroom door and pulled them in. I handed Jade the pregnancy test. She instantly cried. Toxic looked and looked down also in tears."what am I going too do!!"I said terrified."tell Jayy...then he will have too change will probably kill the child but it will save your life..."Jade said softly."you guys please be with me!"I said softly. They nodded and we walked out."I'll go get him..."toxic said walking out. I cleared my tears and sucked it in. Jayy ran in and looked at me concerned."Jayy please have a seat..."Jade said and he did. Toxic sat beside me and him and Jade looked at me."Jayy....I'm pregnant..."I said looking down. Jayy's eyes widen and I could tell he was very upset."no! How do you know!!"he said freaking out. I handed him the pregnancy test. He looked at it and looked at me. He instantly hugged me."I'm so so so sorry!!"he cried."Jayy it's fine.."I said softly."this baby will be the death of you!!"Jayy cried looking in my eyes. I nodded and looked down."that's why you have too change me..."I said serious. He looked down and nodded."I understand...we will do it tonight....Jade toxic....please tell the others about tonight....and get it all ready.."Jayy said softly. I hugged him and kissed him."Jayy its okay I want this!"I smiled softly. He nodded and rubbed my cheek."I love you!"I smiled kissing him."be my wife...."he said suddenly. I smiled and nodded kissing him again."but I do want a child one day jayy..."I said smiling. He smiled and nodded."I want some rest..."I said laying down. He cuddled up with me and kissed my cheek. I was going too die tonight....I'm actually kind of terrified...

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