chapter 23

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We pulled in and we got out. We walked to where all the other parents was waiting and three mothers walked over and started to talk to Jayy . he was very uncomfortable and tried to talk to me."Jayy my handsome husband!" I smiled grabbing his hand and pulling him closer."yes my beautiful wife!"he smirked getting my plan."do you think we can have fun tonight! Maybe go on a date!" i smiled and kissed hi cheek."of course love.."he smiled and the mothers looked at me and growled. I growled back at them my eyes turned bright neon blue. They looked terrified and took off. I smiled and kissed Jayy. the bell ringed and out came the kids. Soon Celine ran over and she looked so beautiful. She had jeans and the blood moon packs shirt on. She had make up and her hair was in a ponytail. She ran over and hugged us and cuddled into us."hi mama hi papa!" She smiled looked at us. "Hello Celine how was school?" I asked smiling. She smiled and showed me and Jayy all the stuff she made and all the stuff she learned.

We walked in too see toxic and wiccan waiting. "Oh hello toxic hello wiccan!" I said surprised. Celine ran over and hugged them. They hugged back but then wiccan walked over too Jayy."alpha i was wanting too know if I could have toxics hand in marriage... "Wiccan asked suddenly. " no..."Jayy said looking way. I looked at him and toxic had tears going down his cheek."Jayy!"I said hugging toxic."I say yes!"I growled at Jayy. Jayy looked so me pissed."we got married! Why can't they get married!!"I growled and they smiled softly. Jayy just stomped off and Celine started too follow till he slam the door in her face scaring her. I ran over too her and grabbed her and she cried softly."Jayy get your ass out here and apologize to your daughter!"I growled beating on the door. He never opened or said anything." Toxic take Celine and pack some cloths.."I said pissed. I said handing him Celine. I went to walk away till Jayy slammed the door open and grabbed me."you two are not leaving!!" He growled pining me too the wall."WATCH ME!"I screamed kicking him off and taking off to Celine's room I ran in and shut the door. Toxic and wiccan watched confused. Suddenly Jayy started kicking the door."get Celine out of here!"I said and they nodded and climbed out the window. When they was gone I moved away from the door and was ready for my punishment. Jayy opened the door and walked in and looked around. "Where is she Lilith!!!" Jayy growled grabbing me. I stayed quiet just looking at him. He growled and picked me up. He carried me too our room and he sat me down and pushed me down grabbing rope. He tied me down and I let him. He got on top of me and looked me in the eye."where is our daughter..."he asked more calm. I wanted too tell him but until he figures out this anger inside of him I did not want her around him. I felt hands wrap around my neck and I started to choke. I struggled and couldn't breath."where is she!!!"he yelled pissed. I felt my eyes role back.

I awoke still tied up. I looked around and seen Jayy looking at me. I looked at him not scared anymore. "I still love can chain me down beat me choke me...I will still love you...and I will still not tell you where Celine have anger issues love....I'm protecting my daughter before me. His eyes soften and he walked too me and looked down at me. I looked st the Ceiling ready too feel pain. Instead felt pleasure. I closed my eyes." I'm so so so sorry love.....I don't want toxic to feel the pain I felt if he was too lose wiccan...the same fear I have for losing you..."he said getting onto of me.  I stayed quiet."I will accept the marriage...and I will fix my anger..."he said looking down at me. I smiled and nodded."no please let Celine come back..."he begged. I smiled and shook my head. He looked hurt upset angry. I looked in his eyes and smiled more. He smiled getting what I was going at. "If I make you moan you have too bring our daughter back..." he smiled, should i even let her around him, until he gets his anger fixed?

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