Dream AU

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As soon as I woke up, I smell kimchi fried rice from my room. 

"Are the hyungs cooking?" 

I asked myself while walking towards our kitchen but I realize that our dorm looks like a bit different, everything is in color green and blue; and some of the stuffs are still in big boxes. 

"Did we move into another house?

I asked myself again and scratch my back. 

As I enter the kitchen, I saw a long-black haired lady, her back facing me because she's busy cooking. 

Unconciously, I hugged her from her back and kissed her hair.

"Good morning, Yeobo." I was shocked to see Park Sooyoung, known as Joy, from Red Velvet.

She faced me and stole a quick kiss to my cheeks. Still hugging her from behind, I saw a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

"Do you have an idea on what should we name our baby?" She sweetly asked me and hugged me back.

That's when I felt a strong slap on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Changsub hyung holding my arms, I'm sweating and panting as if I ran for a race, and I looked around to realize that I'm in my dorm.


"I just had a bad dream, hyung. Don't worry." I explained to him because he keeps on caressing my back.

"It's my first time to see someone who's having a bad dream and smiling like an idiot." He whispered before he leave me.

"Really? What's the meaning of that dream? Ya, Yook Sungjae just forget that unimportant dream of yours." I said to myself.

Days later..

I got to meet Park Sooyoung personally. We will be part of the famous variety show, We Got Married.

We got to know each other, little by little each episode we became close to each other and fell in love with each other.

We faced many struggles in our relationship. Our We Got Married ended, and we became busy with our own schedules. She was linked to her co-star, Lee Seowon and I was linked to Kim So Hyun. Our agencies tried to end our relationship. But we didn't give up. Instead of ending our relationship, our love for each other became stronger than ever.

Six years later..

As soon as I woke up, I smell kimchi fried rice from my room. I saw my wife, Park Sooyoung busy cooking our breakfast. I hugged her from the back.

"Good morning, Yeobo." She sweetly said to me.

"Do you have an idea on what should we name our baby now?" She sweetly asked me and hugged me back.

I was shocked as I remember my dream six years ago, before I met here.

"Ya, Yeobo." She pinched my cheeks.

"Am I still dreaming?" I asked myself as I slap my face.

"No you're not, Yeobo. This is reality." She said before kissing me passionately.

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