Nervous!ParkSooyoung AU

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It's already 9pm, their dorm's curfew. She's organizing her papers for her defense tomorrow on her dorm's lobby.  When all of her papers flew because of the wind.

"Omo, I've been fixing these shits since 7pm.." She cried and whispered as she tried to file in the papers that flew.

"Hey, need help?" She looked at the big hand in front of her. She accepted it, and mumbled a soft "Thank you".

After she's done organizing her papers, it was already 10:30 and she was so tired and sleepy.

Morning came..

It was D-day for her defense. She was really nervous that she can feel horses that are running inside her stomach, she can feel like she wanted to pee and walk out.

She opened her cue cards, she saw a note that was stick on the first page.

Hey Miss,

I know it's your defense day today, and you're so nervous.. but please wear that bright smile of yours and ace your defense! You can do it!


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