"We first talk at Omegle" AU

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"Sooyoungie, you're the only one who's no boyfriend since birth. You should get one, my friend."

My roommate slash bestfriend, Irene, nag as she opens her laptop for her daily schedule of facetime with her boyfriend Minhyuk who's currently in Japan.

She just rolled her eyes then replied, "Who says I need a boyfriend?"

Irene look at her with her usual cold stare, "Baby girl, you need to have to. If not, you'll be forever alone."

She just rolled her eyes again then said, "I would prefer to die alone rather than being lied to and hurt by some boy. And who's gonna talk, like and love me?"

Irene went to her, removing her eyeglasses and handing her phone. "Try this app, you'll thank me later. Just be careful with some guys, okay?" Then she left her room.

She tried using the app. It's Omegle, a dating app.

She met not so good guys, horny and just wanting to have a fuck buddy.

But after a few guys, she met this weird guy.

"Hey! I'm Sungjae!"

"Hi. I'm Joy."

"So Joy, what brings you here?"

"Just bored." She typed in.

"Oh. Okay. So, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Me too."

Until they became close.. that they exchanged their Telegram accounts.

"You know what, let's meet up at the coffee shop under your Apartment right now."

"For what?" She typed again.

"I just want to see you. Don't worry, I'm not "that" kind of guy." He assured her.

Two hours later, she saw herself enjoying his company.

He made her laugh at his punchlines.

He made her appreciate herself because he kept on assuring her that she's beautiful.

"Nice to meet you, Sungjae ssi."

"Indeed, Joyiah."

(Author's Note: Hi! It's been so looooong since I last wrote here. I miss Bbyu. Hope you're all okay. Labbyuuu)

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