Almost AU

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"I don't want to be his almost."

She still remember it clearly, the time when she was talking with her bestfriend about that guy named Yook Sungjae.

But a year after, she became his almost.

"Ya, Sooyoung ah. Ireona!" Her roommate was spanking her legs for her to wake up but she still doesn't want.

"Unnie, five more minutes please?" She was trying to reach for her blanket but she can't find it. With close eyes, she pouted. "Unnie please?"

"Aniya, Sooyoungie. Get up! It doesn't mean that boy Yook Sungjae hurt you, you'll not live properly." Irene said. "Prepare Sooyoungie, you're almost late to school."

She opened her eyes as she heard the word almost. She cried, no crying is an understatement, she bailed her eyes out.. again.

"Why does I have to be his almost?" She whispered to herself.

She met Yook Sungjae at her first day of transferring in the university. He was kind, alright. He was handsome and smart. They became friends. She fell in love with him. She thought that he also love her because of what he does.

But no. He wasn't.

"Sungjae oppa, I like you." She confessed during their free cut.

"I'm sorry, Sooyoung-ah. I almost love you. But I couldn't." He said then left her.

That happened three days ago, but she still felt that sting in her heart. She's still hurting. And she doesn't know when this hurting will stop.

She wanted to erase all of their memories. Her love for him. But in reality, she hates herself more.

"Why did I let myself love him?"

"Why does I have to be his almost?"

"Why can't he just love me back?"

But she can't changed the fact that she's his almost.

(I told myself that I'm not going to write an angsty one but here I am now, I'm sorry. I'm lowkey blaming carissetotz unnie for triggering my angst side with her update on Blurred Lines <read it guys! one of the best-est sungjoy stories ever!> i love you ate mwaa

PS: i haven't edited this one, just an impulsive au..)

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