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The morning bell rings signaling the beginning of another day at Orange County Girls home. I sit up, swing my legs off the bed, and head for the bathroom. I ignore the other girls smiling and pushing each other to find a vacant sink. I set my toothpaste down and take my toothbrush out of the case. A girl lets out a high pitch squeal and I jerk my head and glare at her making her smile turn immediately to a frown. I wet and add a little toothpaste on my brush. While brushing I look at myself in the mirror.

How did I come to this? I use to be just as happy as them. Laughing and smiling with my friends. But then reality sets in and you realize that people only want to adopt cute little kids.

I rinse and shake off the excess water and put it back in the case. I take my stuff back to my bed and in my drawer. I take out a blue tee shirt and black shorts. I pull off my night shirt, the brisk air hitting my skin. And pull on my tee shirt. I put on the shorts, they come just past my finger tips.

Just then I hear running footsteps coming towards me and then a hand on my back. "Erin! Did you hear??" I turn around to face Molly, a little blond girl around six years old that seemed to pick me as her new sister as soon as she got here four years ago.

She cried for the week she was here. She wouldn't stop for anyone. Until one night I entered her room the bed in the corner.
"Molly, go back to bed." The head mom had told me. I ignored her and went up to the side of the crib. Peaking over the side I saw a little girl clutching a stuffed bear with all her strength screaming to no avail. I reached in picking up the little girl I had never met before. She looked in my eyes as she kept screaming.
"Shhhhhhh" I soothed swaying back and forth adjusting her in a comfortable position. I looked deep into her eyes and she in mine. I could feel her warmth against mine, a calming feeling. After a couple minutes her eye lids began to close and her cries subsided. She soon fell into a peaceful sleep for the first time since arriving. I took her back to my room with me for that night and the next few nights until she would sleep quietly and calmly in hers.

"Erin!" Molly says bringing me back.

"What's the news?" I say trying to sound excited.

"I might be getting adopted! I heard I heard Ms. Smith talking with someone and they said something about me going to my 'forever home'," my stomach drops but I keep a smile on my face," Erin this could be it. I could get a dog!" I release a slight laugh at her last remark.

"That's great Molly! It really is!" The works sad but true. I want to curl up in a ball and disappear. If she leaves I have nothing. Nothing. Molly runs away squealing in excitement. I sink down onto my bed tears falling from my eyes onto my pillow.


The day has come for Molly to go with her new family. She stands at the door with a big smile on her face. I watch from my seat on he stairs. Tears streaming down my face. She comes running up to me at the stairs. "Erin, don't cry this is a happy time."

My heart drops farther than its spot already in my stomachs. "I know baby. I'm happy for you I am. I'm just going to miss you that's all. Because I love you."

"You can come with me!" She says happily.

"That's not how it works. I'll visit. Don't worry."


"Go to your new family. I'll see you later." I say though the opposite is what I really want. She turns and skips back to the door. The main office door opens and a young couple appears, Molly's new parents.

"You ready sweet pea?" The man says with a smile. Molly nods eagerly. "Ok. Come on." They head outside Molly taking one final look back making eye contact is me for a millisecond. I burst into tears as the big door closes with Molly on the other side. I push my face against the wall.

"Erin you know she's going to a better place, why don't you go back upstairs?" Ms. Jane says turning to look from the main door.

"Fine!" I spit back stomping up the stairs and to my bed. I collapse on my bed giving up on everything. I don't want to try anymore, this proves that everything I lobe is taken from me.

A new start. (Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now