She's home.

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It's late night before the big day and I can't sleep. I toss back and forth relentlessly, fading in and out of voided sleep ~

I'm so excited for her to get home. I've waited so long for this day to come. I sit anxiously on the front step waiting for Mark and Molly to arrive.

"They should be here any minute." Dad says poking his head out the front door.

"You ready to be a big sister?" Tom asks from behind me, his arms wrapped around me.

Then I see a car coming up the street. I excitedly start to wiggle and bounce, waiting for my little girl to come running out. The car stops in front of our house, Tom still holding me even though I feel like I'm going to burst at any second. No one gets out of the car for a couple minutes.

"Wh-what?" I turn to look at Tom and then back at the street. The cars is gone with no sign it was ever there. "Where'd it go?!" I scream forcing myself out of Toms grip and running to where the car was.

"Where'd what go?" Tom asks.

"The car, Molly. Where did it go? It was right here?" I shout at Tom.

"Em, there was never a car." He says joining me in the road.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" I cry out rushing full force into Tom and burying my face in him chest. ~

I wake up suddenly and gasp for air. I look around frantically realizing that it was all just a dream. I then also realize that I was using my pillow as Tom for it is covered in tears.

I look over at the clock, 3:47am. Go back to sleep, it was just a dream they're probably asleep in their flight right now too. Sleeping peacefully.

My phone buzzes on my side table making me jump right as I'm about to fall asleep. I look down a twitter notification from Mark. I quickly unlock my phone and squint at the screen. I wait impatiently for the screen to load and then it comes up. It's a picture of Molly asleep on the plane, curled up next to Mark. My heart sings, especially after the nightmare I just woke up from. Then I read Mark's message under the picture:
'She was a little anxious and scared at takeoff but soon settled in. After some snacks and a quick bathroom break she went right to sleep. Our estimated arrival is 7:53pm your time.'

I stare at the picture of Molly peacefully sleeping when another picture comes through. This one is her smiling holding a drink of some sort. Her eyes are so full of life and love that I just sit and stare at the happy little girl.

That's the little girl that you should be. Smiling, happy. We will love you now, and forever. You're almost home little sis, almost here. I think to myself almost like she can hear my thoughts. I press the power button and set my phone back on the side table and immediately fall back into peaceful sleep.

Morning! You're late! My brain screams making me shoot up, wide awake. I look over at my clock; 5:47. *Well it's not that long before I have to wake up anyway, might as well start getting ready.*

I reluctantly slide out of bed and go over to my dresser. I pick out a black v-neck tee shirt and white shorts. I get dressed in my shirt, shorts, and clean underclothes. Once dressed, I take Cooper downstairs to let him out.

I leave him outside while I go to the kitchen. I should have a iced coffee in fridge. I open the fridge and grab it, shaking it before taking a sip. The sweet, strong coffee tastes amazing. I grab granola bar out of the cabinet and jog back up to my bathroom.

I look at myself and can't help but laugh at how rough I look; every hair out of place, dark circles under my eyes, still half asleep. I splash some cold water on my face to wake myself up before using my face wash to cleanse. I debate putting some makeup on but decide to go without. I brush my hair and spend ten minutes Dutch braiding my hair. I then brush my teeth and check myself in the mirror one final time; looking pretty good, unlike before.

Mom came up while I was in the bathroom to wake me up and give me the 30, 45 tops, minute warning.

I go back to my room and sit on my bed, grabbing my phone off the table. I quickly send Tom a text:
'Hi handsome, we're leaving in about half an hour to go to the airport. I'll call you once we get home and settled. Love you.'
I stand up and put my phone in my back pocket.

I grab some black shoes and a pair of no-show socks and head downstairs. Mom and dad are both in the kitchen when I get there, "Morning sunshine." Dad says when he sees me," you ready?"

"Definitely." I say taking my coffee and bar off the counter.

"We'll leave as soon as your mom is ready, the sooner the better." He says taking his coffee off the maker and pouring in some banana milk. I wrinkle my nose it, never been a fan of the stuff.

"Don't your wrinkle your nose at my banana milk, it's good." He says defensible.

"Yeah, no. I'll keep my fruit and coffee separate, thank you." I say back, sipping my coffee.

We both hear footsteps and then I turn around to see Mom behind me. "Ready?" Dad asks.

"Yup." She says stepping to the side to let up come out.
The drive to the airport was filled with anxious thoughts of 'what if', but as soon as we got in and settled they all disappeared. It's 7:30am we're sitting on a bench looking over the escalator where they will come down.

I shift habitually while we wait, one of my only ways to release my nervous energy. It's probably pretty annoying to the people around me but I can't help it.

Staring at the clock on my phone when it clicks to 8:17am, I look up and stare blankly at the moving stairs. Then I see people start to come down signaling a plane has unloaded. I'm just about to give up on this being this flight when I spot them coming around the corner about to get on the escalator.

I jump up without even realizing and speed walk to close to the bottom. I'm bouncing up and down on my tippy toes in excitement.

"ERIN!" Molly screams over the crowd. She lunges towards me and would jump the rail if it wasn't for Mark holding her by the hand. The ride down seemed to take years as I watched them slowly descend. I couldn't help but notice that Mom and Dad stayed on the bench.

Finally they reach the bottom. Molly comes rushing over to me. "Erin, Erin, Erin!" She cries jumping into my arms.

"Oh my baby girl." I breath hugging her tightly. She has her legs wrapped around me and my neck in a bear huh. "You're home, you're home."

"I missed you." She squeaks in my ear.

"I missed you more Baby." I say brushing my thumb over her back. Mom and Dad join us, Mom laying a gentle hand on Molly's back. Dad greets and thanks Mark and they start talking about the flight, I don't really pay too much attention.

"Hi Molly, remember me?" Mom asks gently. Molly lifts her head off my shoulder to look to the voice and gives her a soft nod. Then Mom turns to me and smiles, giving a nod towards Dad and Mark.

We go over to them, I'm still carrying Molly. She's pretty small for 8, I mean it's hard living in the system. Mark smiles at Molly content in my arms.

"Come on guys let's get home and settled." Dad says taking one of the bags from Mark. "This all they gave you?" Mark nods and shrugs.

"Looks about as much as I had." I say honestly.

"True that." Mom says gesturing us to move. We start walking out of the airport and towards a New Start.

A new start. (Jacksepticeye)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum