Getting Adopted.

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"So what do you think? You wanna go have a family and home?"Ms. Jane says. I nod eagerly. She laughs. "Well alrighty, I have to go over a few things with you first because well I can't just tell one of my babies leave without some precautions."

I nod to show I'm listening but, I kind of zone out a little as she starts to explain about safety stuff and what to do if different scenarios come up. I nod but don't really pay attention. Im so excited to have a family.

"... Ok and that is pretty much it. You should be able to go at the beginning of the week. All the paper work is done so all that was needed was for you to agree, on your own. And everything's all good. You can use my phone or computer to get in touch with them if you'd like. You'll like them they're cool people." She says the last sentence with a slight smirk making me curious what she's hinting at.

I take her up on using her phone and send Signe a text.

Erin- Hi, it's Erin, I just wanted to tell you YES. A million times YES. I've dreamed for this day for so long I can't wait to have a family and a house. Thank you.

I wait impatiently for her to answer. After a minute she responds.

Signe- That's so amazing! We can't wait! We'll see you tomorrow.

Erin- Ok, see you then!

I give Ms. Jane her phone and sit cross-cross on my bed thinking about what his could mean for me. Does this mean I get my own room? a tv to myself? Wait! could I get a dog? Like a real dog?

I spend the rest of the day dreaming about what might happen and how I'm gonna be able to wait three days to go home.


I woke up before the bell and got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth before the other girls were even awake. When they finally did ring the bell I felt different, like a hole was filled. I went and found a spot on the stairs facing the door waiting though I know that they probably won't come until the afternoon and it's only 9:00.

Ms. Smith comes out of the office and when she sees me says, "I heard the news. I'm so happy for you!" Though usually I would be just annoyed by the statement because she says it to everyone I just smile and nod. She moves on down the hall towards the kitchen to probably get out the cereal boxes, milk, bowls, and spoons.

I get up from my spot on the stairs and got to the front door. I open it and step out into the cool fall air. I find a seat in one of the chairs with cushions. Sitting with my legs folded under me.

I relax closing my eyes listening to the wind rustle the leaves on the nearby trees and the birds chirping happily. I hear a camera click and I open my eyes. I see Georgia, a girl 10 years old with long black hair and brown eyes, she's turned into the house photographer and I guess she found me and snapped a shot.

"Oh sorry Erin, didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep, I have to go back in anyways." She says turning to go back in. I heard the door shut and close my eyes again. The fresh hair is soothing even if it's a bit chilly.

Why didn't I come out here earlier? When you turn 13 you're allowed to come out on the porch and front yard by yourself to hang out. But I never felt like it was worth it. But this is nice, being the only one out here.

I sit up and look around there's a swing with a cushion a couple feet away. I stand up and go over. I lay down across it pushing it back a little so it is rocking. It's so soothing I fall sleep.

I'm not sure how long I've been asleep but I hear whispering voices. "Sean, there she is curled up on the swing." It's Signe. I open my eyes and see they stopped on the steps. They both smile at me. I sit up a huge smile on my face. "Hey, you enjoying the beautiful weather?" She says. I nod.

I study the man. He's not that tall but not shirt either. He's thin built with bright blue eyes. But the thing that will alway get your attention right away is his hair, bright green on top and front like grass that has grown a little too long. The rest on his hair is a dark brown color sort of like mine. He knows I'm staring at his hair for he says, "It's green isn't it?"

"No, it's bright orange." It just slips out with a big toothy grin. The first time I've spoken in 11 days. He laughs at me but Signe stops dead.

"What?" Sean says to Signe.

"She spoke." I nod. Making her laugh.

"We're gonna get alone a great." Sean says to me with a slight laugh disregarding Signe's shock.

"I want to go home with you now." I say choosing what I say carefully.

"I know baby. Soon. Two days." Signe says coming in close to give me a hug. It's the first hug I've had out of pure love, besides from Molly, in a really long time. I look over at Sean and reach an arm out. He comes over and joins our hug. It's warm, comforting, loving. I begin to cry from having my emotions bottled up for so long. I finally found my family.

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