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I wake up peacefully, the sun streaming through the windows. I slowly taken my arm from around Molly and sit up trying not to wake her.

She shifts with a whine of protest. "Shhh, you're ok." I whisper, gentlest brushing a hand over her forehead. She jumps, her eyes shoot open to look at me. "Molly! It's me Erin." I say firmly, taking her hand.

"S-sorry." She says blinking.

"You're fine." I reassure, getting up.
A few days pass uneventful, letting Molly settle in. She spends the first three nights coming in my room in the middle of the night, but night four she doesn't so when I wake up in the middle of the night and see she's not there, I have to go check on her. She was still sleeping peacefully in her bed.

The next day, I wake up and take my time getting ready. Tom has invited me to go get coffee with him. I check the weather and its says it's suppose to be relatively hot outside. I pick up a pair of high waisted jean shirts off the floor, I wore them s few says ago they're fine, and put them on. Then I go over to my dresser and push around my the shirts in my drawer, but I keep going back to the purple crop top. I take it out and with new wave of braver washing over me I deceive to wear it.

I pull it over my head and wait to see where it will fall expecting to feel horribly uncomfortable and exploded, however I was surprised that instead I felt calm and even cute when I looked in the mirror. The purple made my olive skin tone look gorgeous in contrast and it my eyes pop. I grab my wallet off the dresser and my phone off the charger and start to head down the hallway when I stop on a dime and turn to go say bye to Molly who, as far as I know, is still asleep.

I peak in her room and see her watching out her window, I wonder what she's looking as so I go in to take a look. She hears me when I come in and gives me s smile when she sees its me. I look out the window and see Tom walking around the front path, waiting patiently for me.

"That's him isn't it?" Molly asks raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's my boy. Come down you can meet him with me." I say extending a hand. She shrugs and takes my hand coming downstairs with me. I put on some sandals by the front door. Molly looks at me with an unsure expression. "Don't worry, he's really sweet." I say opening the door and seeing Tom turn on his heals.

He sees Molly immediately and makes himself a little less intimidating. He walks over and squats down a little ways in front of us, not too close to make Molly nervous but close enough she can engage if she wants to. "You're Molly right?" He asks gently. She nods still looking skeptical of this new person. "You're very pretty."' Tom giving her one of his handsome smiles. This makes Molly smile too.

Sensing that that's about as well as we can expect I step up and take Molly back inside and then go to rejoin Tom. "I've got to say," he says looking like he's choosing his words carefully,"you look smoking in that top."

"Thanks." I say not knowing whether I like his compliment or it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Really, you look fine." He adds.

"Thomas Brodie, that's enough," I warn.

He immediately looks down," I'm sorry Babe."  We walk almost half the way in silence before I show that I'm not mad by reaching over and taking his hand in mine. "Sooo," he tests almost expecting me to cut him off," how's Molly settling in?"

"Pretty well considering we turned her would upside down with people she had never met before. She's perfect though, wouldn't change anything about her. She and Cooper have become the best of friends, which is good, that's one of the main things I remember from before she was adopted into the hell hole, she wanted a dog. A real dog. And now she has one."

"She seems like a good kid, and she even looks like you." Tom says lightening the mood.

"Yeah, she's my little girl. I'm so glad she's mine now and I get to make sure she's sad and happy everyday. No more waiting, no more sleepless nights, no more nightmares." I say with a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, I'm so happy for you. And maybe one day she and Jackson can meet. Ones she's more comfortable here and she won't get so overwhelmed because he is a lot to handle." Tom says looking down the street, not even noticing that I'm looking up at him smiling.

"That he is." I say with a slight giggle, which gets answered by a slight elbow which turns into more laughing.
Later that afternoon we all pile in a car to go with Mark back to the airport to fly back to the States. Molly sat next to him and leaned shuts him all the way there, not wanting him to leave. I second that feeling. Once we get to the airport, I let Mom tend to Molly while I say my goodbyes.

"Don't you do it," Mark says as I walk up to him, blinking like he might have tears. When I get close enough he pulls me into a hug, a hug that'll last me until I see him again. "You know I'm always just a phone call or a text message away."

"Yep," I manage keeping myself from shedding tears.

"You have to guide her, she needs you to protect her. You're the big sister now, you need to show her what to do. You can do it, you're naturally gifted." Mark says letting me go and nodding for me to go back to her.

Mom and Dad say their quick goodbyes and then Molly gets a long hug goodbye and a few words of good faith before coming back to take my hand as we all see Mark off into the airport.

Three months later:
"Molly, you ready to go?" Tom asks calming while Molly jumps around like a bouncy ball.

"Hey, settle." I call making her stop and stand still.

"Ok, my two pretty girls, let's go." Tom says taking Molly hand in one and mine in his other.

It's a quiet fall day, the air is just starting to cool down. Molly had taken rather fondly to Tom, I mean who can blame her. He's literally the best guy ever. He was gentle with her and let her  warm up to him at her pace. And then she wanted to be around him so we started bringing her with us. She loves going to the park to swing and slide.

Everything's calmed down in the house and it's back to normal. My blog is doing better than ever and Dad says YouTube is still booming. Molly has truly made our family whole. And I wouldn't change anything.

That's it guys, it's been a blast. I can't wait until you see the next project in working on. I'm really looking forward to it, hope you guys are too. And don't be afraid to leave feedback and suggestions. Much love💕, Red.

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