There's hope.

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"Erin, 6 o'clock, time to get up." I hear with a knock at the door.

I groan as I do a half push up and just drop slamming my face deep in my pillow.

"I'm making breakfast. 20 minutes be downstairs." Mom says before walking away.

I mumble my annoyance to the air as I clumsily walk across the room to my dresser.

"Dum-dun-dun-da-ti-da." I hear mark hum nonsense walking down the hall.

Does he ever sleep? How does he have the energy this early?

I pull open my drawer and stare blankly at the clothes. *what am I going to wear?* After a minute of blankly staring I decided to just wear leggings and a big hoodie. I pull on my black legging and grab my green Jack hoodie out of the closet and pull it on.

I let Cooper out do his kennel and go to the bathroom and get ready. And then drift down the stairs being followed my happy puppy paws to grab something for breakfast and lunch.


This is impossible. I silently chant.

It's my last class if the day, Chemistry, unit test day. I slide my test away from me and fold my arm in front of me, slamming my head down, louder than I intended.

"Erin do you have something to share with the class?" Mr Benton says looking up at me with a look of annoyance.

"No." I say frustrated at this test and now how everyone looking at me.

"Are you finished your test?" He asks in his overly-nice, you're-on-thin-ice voice.

Someone clears their throat and I turn to see who it is. It's Toms, he looks at me and raises an eyebrow and then gives me a slight shake of his head. I turn back to Mr. Benton," No, sir."

"Then how about we get back to work and not have anymore outbursts."

"Yes sir." I mumble, taking my test back and scanning to find where I was."

I writing whatever pops in my head and wait impatient for the bell to ring. I hand my test in at the end of class with my best annoyed smile.

"Thanks you Erin." He says taking my paper and skimming over it. I roll my eyes and grab my backpack strap and head for the door.

"Erin, wait up!" Comes a familiar voice from behind me. I stop and wait for Tom to join me. He steps beside me," so how about that test, am I right?"

"Don't start." I warn, feeling the heat start to come into my face.

"Ok, fine," he says putting his hands up in defense," soo I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie this weekend? Or hang out?"

"Yeah, sure, I'd love to." I say smiling.

"Cool, so you wanna go homework together tonight?" He asks taking my hand while I'm off guard. I pull my bad away. He looks embarrassed, cheeks flush red and he's eyes falling to the floor," sorry." He says.

"Not yet. Not here." I tell him, arm crossed over my stomach, continuing to walk to the parking lot where Mom should be waiting.

"So about homework tonight?" He asks again. I had completely forgotten his questions when he took my hand.

"Not tonight, we have a guest staying with us for a few days." I say which is true but I also just want to take things slow. I don't want things to change.

"Ok, that's fine. Can I walk with you to your car?" He asks, looking for some way to stay with me.

"Sure. You can meet my mom." I say walking across the grass to the parking lot. I see the car before I see who's driving. Dad gets out and gives me a questioning look.

"Ohhh crap." I say under my breath.

"What?" Tom says confused, clueless.

Dad walks to the back of the car as we approach. I sense Tom tense up beside me. Great two scared people and my dad. This'll be interesting.

"Breath." I tell Tom, through my teeth, just outside ear range.

"Hi Dad." I say happily.

"Hello Sir." Tom say stepping forward offering his hand.

"Hi." My dad says not sounding convinced.

"Dad, this is Tom. Tom, my dad." I say trying the get some kind of movement to the conversation.

"Afternoon." Dad says looking at me and the to the car.

Oh god. "Ill text you later?" I ask Tom who is pretty distant from the conversation.

"Yeah sure. I'll see ya later." He says heading down the sidewalk.

I get in the front-passenger seat and wait to get lectured. We pull out of school in silence. Awkward Silence.

Erin ask something. Anything.

"How was your day?" I say looking over at him trying to read his expression.

"Uhh good. So that guy, Tom, is he your - ?" Dad asks.


"Good looking kid. And him shaking my hand-I like kids with manners. But he's goin ta have to prove himself if he wants my support."

"Oh god." I breath.

"I'm just kidding, relax. So that's where you went yesterday?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah..." I say staring out the window at the passing buildings.


We're all sitting down to diner. I see Mom and Dad exchange a could abnormal side glances at each other, but don't say anything because they're not acting any different.

Once we finish up and are all just sitting and talking, Mom sits up setting her clasped hands together on the table. Dad glances at her and then his eyes set on me.

*Oh no, is it Tom?* my thoughts panic.

"So Saturday we received some unfortunate news, that I don't think any of us were expecting." Mom days before pausing.

I look over at Mark to see if he's last on what we're talking about. He's focused but doesn't look confused. Good. Dad told him.

"We made a couple calls today, and we have to phone number for the home Molly's in. We were thinking of calling tomorrow to see about," my brain is eating up every work waiting for the conclusion," adoption."

Adoption?! A squeak escapes my mouth and I clasp both my hands over my mouth. "Are you serious?" I say shocked but also cautiously optimistic ( ⬅️Jack quote. Haha take that.)

"Yeah, we've thought about it and seeing the joy of having a home and a family has brought you. And seeing you come out of your shell is something we want everyone to feel. And while we can't adopt everyone we can change everything for someone, or some-two?" Dad says his face the red color like it does when he gets emotional.

"You were doin great til the end Man." Mark adds after a silent pause of me not knowing how to react.

Molly? As my sister? This has to be a dream.

"Really?" Is all the comes out, making everyone smile or laugh.

"Nothing's for are but we're gonna give it a try." Mom says maintaining her calm, gentle disposition.

"B-but, this is crazy." I say trying to sort out all the feeling I'm having.

"Ok! So that's the secret that we had. I know you knew something was up even if we did our best to act like normal." Dad says standing up, to take his plate to the kitchen.

"Yeah you might want to work on that. You might be able to pull that with Mark but not me." I say standing up and jokingly elbow Mark as I go by.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur of questions and rushed homework and anxiety over the 'what ifs'. I toss and turn all night from the anxiety of hearing from that girls home.

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