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If you're reading along as I'm posting, go back and read the ending of the last chapter agin bc I changed the cliffhanger, so, well, there isn't one. Happy reading ☺️.

Early the next morning I wake up, a nervous, with an excited smile on my face. It's 6:30 according to my phone screen, which basically blinded me when I pressed the home button. I get up and switch on my desk light. Soft yellow light blankets the room.

I see Cooper start to stir in his kennel and go over and unlatch the door. He can come out if he wants.

Go back to my dresser searching desperately for something to wear.
I pull out a grey crop top but quickly shove it back farther than where I found it the first time.

Maybe some day. I tell tell myself. It was gift from one of Dad's fans. It's cute so I keep it but the thought of actually wearing it in public, showing my stomach, sends a shiver down my spine.

I pull out a plain white t-shirt. I get out my black jean-leggings and a brown cardigan. I pull on the jeans and tuck the t-shirt in and then pulling it out and repeating until I get annoyed that I can't seem to get it perfect, even though I don't even know what the "perfect" look I'm going for is. I pull on the cardigan and look at myself in be mirror. It's kinda cute, I guess.

I leave the mirror and clip on my necklace with my name on it. I add a plain silver bracelet and go and sit on my bed. Cooper jumps up and lays beside me, which makes me jump because I didn't hear him leave him crate.

"Hi Boy, you think I'm ready to go on a date? Like an actual date?" I half whisper to him. He picks his head up and cocks it to one side. "Yeah that's how I'm feeling right now."

My phone buzzes from my dressers. I heart skips a beat and I reach over and unplug it from the charger. Luckily it just a mention in a tweet which I open and read through.

@ JECS4ever
"People often say that the internet is a scary place. But what they don't see is all the people making a positive difference, like @Jackselticeye (IRL: follow him on twitter) and @ErinNicoleMcLaughlin, especially for me. Thank you both."

I quickly hit reply and send back.

"I'm so glad we can help. Thank you for appreciating. <3 Stay Happy Ashley."

It's amazing how something so simple as replying to someone can really make their day or week. Then a knock comes at the door. "Erin. Wake up." Mom says from the other side.

"Mom, can you come in?"

"Yeah!" She says as she opens the door and comes in. I can tell she's surprised to see me up and dressed. I sit up and pat my bed. "What's up?" She asks confused.

" there's this guy from school and he's invited me to go to the coffee shop with him this morning. And he's really sweet and he's on the honor roll and he plays football and he..."

"Sure. Text me or call if you need anything."

"Oh course, and also.."

"What's up?"

"Don't tell Dad?"

"I won't but if he asks I'm not going to lie to him. Ok?"

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