Marks doing what?

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"Tom!" I blood curdling scream at the top of my lung. The all echoes into the blackness. I'm drenched in sweat and my legs are shaking uncontrollably. I didn't get a resonse. "Someone! Anyone, help." A pleading cry escapes my throat.

The silence is deafening when suddenly it is shattered by a voice. "Erin." A girls voice calls through the emptiness.

Molly. my brain panics. "I'm here, I'm here!!" I scream back. Then I hear footsteps, loud and close, but they're moving away farther, and farther, and farther until only the most faint echo remains.

That was the final straw, my knees buckle and my legs collapse out from under me. Right when I'm about to jumble in a pile one the floor, it's all gone. Like a snap of the fingers.
I jump awake with a gasp for air. My eyes dart around the room. I take a deep breath as my brain pieces together where I am and what's going on. I'm at Tom's house, we came to hang out. I find him sitting on the edge of the love seat, he appears to be waiting for an sign to move closer. I reach out a hand and  he takes it, I pull him to sit next to me.

We sit for a couple minutes in silence, me leaning into him with my head on his chest.

"Same?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it's every time I fall asleep." I say not looking up.

I can't sleep, and when I do it's not restful which just makes me more tired.

He shifts uneasily. "We should be getting you home."

"Not yet." I say.

"Ok maybe we have a little time." He says leaning black. I lay back too. He props his feet up making me a cozy sandwich between Tom and the couch. We sit/lay in silence for a while, so long I start to doze off, but unlike all the sleep I've had the past week, I didn't have any nightmare. I didn't have and dreams at all but it was actual sleep.

"Em," Tom whispers, a hand resting on my stomach. I feel a little self conscious but brush it off feeling safe with Tom.

He knows me, and I know him, or at least I think I do. My anxious brain taking anything positive I say and making me question myself.

"Yeah?" I whisper.

"We have to be going back, it's almost 11 and your dad said he'd like you back-"

by 11:15

"-by quarter after."

yeah, that.

"Ok. Fine." I mumble sitting up.

"Come on Em." He says taking my hand and pulling me to my feet.

Em is a name he started calling me more recently, E for Erin and M for McLaughlin. I like it it's short and sweet.
We get home and walk in the front room. I can hear Dad talking, sounds like he's on the phone.

"Oh, I'll poke my head in and let him know I was here and then I'll head out." Tom stated heading to the living room, towards the sound of the voice. I follow behind him.

We stand in the hallway waiting for Dad to notice us. Once Dad turns Tom raises a hand as if to say 'bye sir.' "Hey, wait. I want to tell y'all some really exciting news. Well we do."

We? I ask myself.

"Come sit," Dad says walking past us to the dining room table. We all sit down. Dad sets his phone down on the table and buts it one speaker.

I sit on the sit opposite of Dad and Tom pulls a chair beside me. "Hello?" I ask curious of who's on the other end of the phone.

"Erin, how are you?" Marks voice erupts from the phone immediately putting a smile on my face.

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