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I hear footsteps walking down the hallway. I quickly take off his hoodie and stuff it under the covers and pull on my cardigan.

"Hey Baby, you in there?" It's mom.

"Yeah," I get up and unlock the door," come on in."

She walks in with an optimistic smile on her face. I break into a huge smile.

"So how was it??" She says plopping down on my bed and sitting cris-cros.

"It was great. He's so sweet? and based off what he said, seems understanding."

"What'd you talk about?"

"School and sports and," I wrinkle my nose trying to think about what we talked about but only thinking about how he gave me his hoodie," stuff."

She laughs at my 'stuff' remark. "That's good. So are we going to get to meet him?"

"Yeah, eventually, just let me see where this is going first."

"Ok. Whatever you say." She says playfully poking me, making me laugh.

"So whats Dad up to? Still on mars?" Mars is another name for his office bc when he's in there he practically is on another planet. He can't hear anything and is lazar focused on whatever he's doing.

"Yeah. Recording... something." We both laugh when she exaggerates something.

"Maybe I should so stop in and check on him." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Go for it. HEY," she says like she just remembered something," Marks coming to stay for a few days. Sean says his flight gets in tonight."

"Cool. Is he bringing the Misses?" I say with a toothy grin.

"I'm not sure. Maybe he said he wasn't sure."

Mark's golden retriever Chica is the absolute best dog ever. Her and Copper play all day which is fine by me, that means I don't have to play energy-drainer for hours before bed.

"Ok." I say not know what else to say, feel like the conversation just died.

After a couple seconds of awkwardly staring at each other, Mom gets up. "If you're going to go peak in, then come get a snack for him. I don't think he ate real food this morning."

"Sure." I say and the she disappears around the corner and shuts the door.

The rest of the day goes by like any other day. I did take Dad a snack the Mom make of sliced apples, carrots, and oranges. He was just editing so no surprise video appearance that time.

It's currently a little after seven, were all sitting on the couch watching Moana, when a knock comes at the door. Cooper starts his usual blaring alarm howl, which he only does when it's dark and someone knocks.

"Cooper, Quiet. Down." I command. He lays back down with a whine of protest.

Dad jumps up to go answer it. I follow behind him, mainly just to find out if he brought Chica or not.

"Hey man!" Das says as he opens the door.

"Hello!" His deep voice engulfs the room announcing his presence. And then before I knew it a blond steak rushes by me.

"Chica!" I happily exclaim. She runs around getting Cooper immediately excited as they runs like mad men around the living room and dining room.

"Hello Erin." Mark says turning my attention from the crazy dogs.

"Hi Mark. How was your flight?" I ask politely.

"Pretty good. Chica wasn't too happy but you can tell she really holds a grudge." He says watching the dogs.

"Yeah, really."

"Mark, you hungry? I can whip up something while you settle in." Dad asks stepping towards the kitchen.

"Uh sure, just don't burn it this time." He says with a grin.

"Oh go to you're room." Dad says stepping into the kitchen.

"Yes sir." Mark heads up the stairs to the guest room.

The rest of the night is spent eating  dinner of some chicken and baked potatoes and finishing Moana, which Mark just joined right in singling alone to the songs, even if he didn't know all the words. Which is one of the reasons I love him.

The dogs finally relaxed and plopped down on the floor looking like they were to tired to even breath. Once we finish the movie it's time to head up to bed.

"Cooper, come on." I say going over to the back door. He slowly pads over looking like he can't even hold his head up. "Go potty," I look over at Mark and point at Chica. He nods," Chica, come on too." She gets up with a little more enthusiasm than Copper did and trots outside. I shut the door and watch them from inside. Cooper comes back as soon as he's done and paws at the door. Chica doesn't do much just stands in the middle of the yard smelling the air. After a few minutes she finally goes and then comes back to the door. I let them both in and head up to my room.

"Cooper." I call getting him to follow me. Once we're in my room I don't even have to tell Cooper to go into his kennel he just walks in and lays down. Which makes me laugh. I fasten the latch and grab some PJs from my dresser. I take off my necklace and hang it on it's hook.

I take my PJs and grab a towel out of a the closet by the bathroom. I notice before I get there that the light's on and the door's shut to the bathroom. I go over with a smile on my face. "Mark, get out of the bathroom!" I say trying to my hardest to sound whiny so he knows I'm joking.

"No! I was here first." He whines back, sounding like his mouth is full. I laugh, rolling my eyes. "I'll be out in a minute." He says in his normal voice.

"Ok, thanks." I say walking back to my room.

After a minute I hear the door open followed by "Erin, you're up."

"Thanks!" I call back grabbing my stuff. I take a quick shower and then brush my teeth. I wash my face throughly before rinsing out the sink and putting everything away. I like keeping everything neat.

I go back to my room and plug my phone in on my side table. I slide under the covers and usually it takes me hours to fall asleep but tonight I fall asleep almost instantly hearing Copper snore from his kennel.

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