Nervous jitters.

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Part Two.

Two months later.

I'm back at the girls home. "ERIN!" Molly shrieks desperately trying to get back to me as her new parents drag her away.

"It's gonna be ok, it's-" the door slams and she's gone. The last thing I hear from her is her sobs. I run and jerk the door open. The front yard is gone and a empty blackness has taken its place. A bottomless drop below and ever expanding in every direction. I drop to the floor in the doorway, tears steaming down my face. "NOOOOOO!!!!"

And then without moving I fall out of the door way and into the blackness. A empty scream escaped my lungs before I slam into an invisible floor.


I wake wish a jump. My heart racing and my face hot and wet with steamy tears.

"Erin." Signs says laying a hand my leg.

My eyes shoot to hers.

"It was a bad dream. You're ok." She says in a soothing tone.

The tears story coming again. "Mom, I need to find her. And she's gone." I say between violent sobs.

"Who Baby?"


"I know, I know. I'm trying. We're going."

And them Jack pokes his head in and Signe stands up. Jack comes in and Signe heads to the door. Jack sits st the end of my bed not saying anything.


"Yes Baby?" He says softly chewing slightly on his bottom lip.

"Stay." Forever, I don't want to be alone.

"Ok sweet heart. Go back to sleep." He sits on the end of my bed. I feel more comfortable with him here. I lay in my side with my blanket wrapped tightly around me. I slow drift back to a more uneventful sleep.

I hear the door squeak and soft footsteps.

"Sean, come on to bed."

"Erin." Dad says groggily.

"She's sound asleep."

"Ok." He says then I feel him get up.

Dad But only an indecisive sound escapes my mouth.

"Go back to sleep Erin. You're fine." He says before kissing me on the forehead and then quietly leaving. I never opened my eyes and just went back to sleep.


I wake up to my usual knock at the door. "Erin 5 minutes." Mom says from the other side.

"Okay..." I grumble back. I hear a laugh before the footsteps fade from hearing.

"Uhhhhhggggrrrrr" I groan as I sit up and throw my blanket off. Cooper whines from his cage. "Ok, ok." I'm up I know you've been waiting patiently. I slide out of bed and go over and unlock Cooper's kennel, he's not a lot bigger. He comes bounding out and sits at my feet.

I grab my sweat jacket off my dresser and trudge down the hall and to the back door. I let Cooper out and wait watching him from the door when my phone buzzes. I look down.

Tom: Would you like to get coffee with me?

Tom: I mean hot chocolate.

I sign. What do I say? I don't know if he really likes me. Or if he'll just- My thoughts are cut of by another text coming in.

Tom: Don't worry about it if you don't. Let me know.

Aggghh he's so convincing. Plus do I even deserve him? He's one of the hottest guys in school and I'm just a quiet nerd that sits in the back of the room.

Cooper scratches on the door to come in. I slide it open mechanically without looking up from my lock screen.

Coffee, hot chocolate with him. Yeah sure, why not.

And on that thought I quickly open my phone and type back and response and hit send.

Me: Sure, that'd be nice.

As soon as I hit send my heart skipped a beat and regret lurched in my chest. Coopers began to law at my pants leg distracting me. Like he often does when I get upset.

"30 minute warning!" Signe calls from their room.

"Ok!" I call back. Thinking of going back to the girls home makes my heart race. All the memories of lonely nights, and being alone, and then Molly. Molly. I have to swallow to keep myself from tearing up. I take a deep breath and begin to climb the stairs to get dressed.

A new start. (Jacksepticeye)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora