Finnally Home Together.

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Once we get home I take Molly around to show her where everything is, but I'm really excited to show her *her* room.

"Erin, in scared." Molly say to me while we're walking the house.

"Why?" I ask.

"Everything changing. What if I don't fit in here? I don't even sound the same as you." She says.

"You'll fit it just fine. Plus your accent will come back with time. Your home now, forever home." I say kneeling down and giving her a hug.

"Ok," sh says sounding a little less worried.

"Oh! You wanna go see your room?" I ask sounding as excited as I can.

"Yeah." She smiles.

"Come on," I say taking her hand and leading her upstairs. We go down the hallway and approach my door. "You want to see a surprise? This is my room but I have something to show you."

She nods cautiously, "sure?"

I slowly open the door and see Cooper perk up from napping on my bed. "Stay!" I say opening the door enough to allow Molly to enter.

She gasps when she sees him with a big smile on her face," PUPPY!"

"Gentle Cooper." I say petting his head. Molly reaches out a hand and he gently licks her fingers making her giggle," good boy." His tail is wagging happily.

"He yours?" Molly asks her smile still on her face.

"He's ours." I says scratching his belly. After a couple minutes of letting Molly settle in with Cooper I stand up and smile. "Molly ready for the fun part?"

She looks over and then looks around my room. "I get my own room?"

"Yes, come here, I'll show you." I say reaching out a hand which she takes. I lead her out of my room and down the hall to what use to be the guest room which is now Mollys room. I stop in front of the door and give Molly a smile before I open the door and step to the side to let her go in first.

She cautiously steps in the room her head jerking from side to side taking everything in. She goes up to the end of her bed and just runs a hand along the footboard. I look around the room that I designed, the purples and blues seem to go well. She walks over to her dresser and opens one of the draws, when she sees the clothes in them she looks over at me in surprise. She continued to walk around the room, her eyes scanning everything.

"All this is mine?" She asked looking up at me in awe.

"Yeah." The only thing I can manage to get out, watching her eyes full of joy. I hear footsteps coming down the hall, I quickly peak out to see Mom, Dad, and Mark coming. Dad gives a smile before I duck back inside. I lean against the wall as they come in. Dad sets Molly's bag and backpack on the floor next to the door.

"Wow, looks awesome." Marks says. "Love how you destined it."

"Thank you, Tom helped pick out a lot of it. I just made sure everything would go together." I say, not wanting to take all the credit for Tom's work too. At the mention of a new name Molly turns and look at me. "Tom's my boyfriend, he'll be around. You'll be able to meet him soon." I say not wanting to sound like I'm gonna force her to meet him.

"Ok," she shrugs, seeming satisfied with my answer she turns back to taking in her new room.

Now finally having the opportunity, I go over to Mark and give him a hug. I can't hold back the tears that spring to my eyes for the appreciation of this man. "Thank you." I muttered into him ear. "For everything."

He squeezed me tighter, his warmth making me feel safe and protected. "You're welcome, Baby girl. I'd do anything for you, you know that." He says pulling back to look into my eyes, brushing my hair out of my hair.

I smile through the tear on the verge of falling. Finally, I have everything I ever dreamed of, a family, dog, my little sister, and the best support system in the world. I pull Mark in for another hug. "I love you honey." Mark adds with one final squeeze them lets me go. I take a second to compose myself and wipe away the tears.

Molly runs a hand along her bed and then climbs up on top of it. Her eyes still soaking in the room. "What do you think?" I ask going over and joining her, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"It-its overwhelming...its perfect, it doesn't feel real." She says giving me the biggest smile I could ever see.
It's later that day, almost time for bed. We order food and had it delivered to the house while we sat around table and talked about the flight and a couple projects that Mark's working on.

I look ever at Molly, she's yawning. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna call it a night too." I say standing up, "Molly, you ready to come up with me and get ready for bed?" She nods slowing getting to her feet to follow me. She takes me hand as we go up the stairs. I call my goodnights as we go up the stairs.

On we get upstairs I show Molly where I have her pajamas and she picks out blue pants and a white tee shirt. I give her a toothbrush and show her to e bathroom and let her get ready, meanwhile I go to my room and quickly change into a pair of some comfy shorts and Tom's hoodie. I grab my brush and begun to brush out my hair going to wait for Molly to emerge from his bathroom. She comes out after a couple minutes rubbing her eyes.

"You ready for bed Little one?" I ask, she nods looking up at me with with puppy dog eyes. "Let's get you settled in your room." I take her down the hallway and into her room, I pull back her covers and let her climb in. I pull the covers up over her and tuck her in. "Welcome home Molly. Sleep tight." I say giver her a kiss on her forehead and going back out to the doorway. I switch off the main light and leave the door cracked, "I'll be right down the hallway."

I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and Dutch braid my hair before going to my room. I flop down on my bed with a sign of relief when my phone buzzes and then again, I look down to see Tom's face, he's calling me. I answer it with a wave of tiredness coming over me.

"Hello?" I ask, laying my phone in my chest and closing my eyes.

"How did everything go? Did the flight go ok?" He asks sounding like a concerned parent which makes me smile.m

"Everything went perfect, she's the sweetest little thing. I can't wait for you to meet her. Just give her a little time, she needs a little extra time to settle in." I say softly tapping my finger on the blanket.

"Ok, I was just dying to know how things went and I wanted to hear your beautiful voice." He says casually.

"Stooooop," I say blushing, hiding my face with my ands even thought no ones around.

"Ok, I'll let you go and get some sleep. I know it's been a long day for all of you. I'll talk to you in the morning... Good night Beautiful, I love you."  His 'I love you'S fill me with so much happiness inside.

"I love you too, Handsome. Night." I say waiting for him to hang up.

"Night," he whispers then hangs up. I plug my phone in to charge on my side table and climb in under the covers, finally for the first time in months I fall immediately into a peaceful sleep.

It's later that night, I hear someone come in and then get up on my bed. I shift in my bed thinking it was nothing. Then they lay down beside me and I know it's Molly.

"You ok baby girl?" I whisper putting and arm around her and pulling her close to me.

"Woke up and then couldn't sleep." She mutters back.

"Ok, you're fine." I say getting a little more comfortable and brushing my thumb over her arm. I stay awake making sure she can get back to sleep, soon after I see her eyes closed. I let myself drift back sleep.

One more chapter, its been real and fun. I'll see y'all in a few days when Molly's written story ends ❤️

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