My Life

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Two years later

I look in the mirror pulling on my green septic-eye Sam hoodie. I grab my phone and earbuds off the dresser and check the battery percentage (93) before putting them in my pouch.

I run down the steps almost tripping near the bottom. Cooper following close behind.

"Dad! I'm going to the store." I call though the house.

"Ok Baby, be back in an hour," he calls back," and don't forget your phone!"

"I won't."

"Love you."

"Love you too Dad."

I take Coopers harness and clip the strap around his stomach and tightening it before securing the stamp around his neck and lastly the one that goes between his front legs. I clip on his leash and grab my skateboard. I check to make sure I have by wallet in my back pocket.

I go out the front door to the concrete sidewalk. "Cooper sit." He immediately sits patiently by my side. I take out my phone and earbuds and plug them in. Starting to play some music. I put one earbud in before putting my phone back in my pouch. I put on foot on my board and look down at Cooper. "Alright boy. Go!" Right when I said go he jumps up and I push off and off we go down the sidewalk.

"Good boy." I say as Cooper finds a good pace. I hold onto the end of the leash, letting him pull me.

"Erin!" I hear out of my free ear. Look around to see where the voice came from. I see a girl, she looks a few years younger than me. I get off my skateboard, taking out my earbud, and put Cooper in a down-stay. He lays panting. I walk up to the girl. Her face is bright red and she has her hand covering her face.

"Hi. How're you?"

"I...I...," the girl stampers," I'm good. Here." She says taking a folded up paper out of her pocket and handing it to me. It's a beautiful drawing of Jack, Signe, and I.

"Thank you! It's gorgeous. What's your name?"

"Ann...Annabelle." She sobs.

"Oh you poor thing. Don't cry Honey. You want a hug?" She nods, a tear falling down her cheek. She wraps her arms tightly around me still sobbing.

"Can I get a picture?" She says trying to pull herself together.

"Oh course!" I say taking her phone. I hold it out I front of us and smile, she smiles too. I hand her phone back to her. "Can I get one on mine now?" She nods. I take one on my phone too before giving her another hug and continuing on my way. I put the picture in my pocket excited to get it home and frame it to add to the others.

This happens pretty regularly now. And it's amazing every time because it always seems to make that persons day. And it makes mine brighter too. And I think about how just two short years ago it was all different. So being about to see these kids look up to me is amazing.

I get to the store and put Cooper once again in a down-stay while I go in. I buy a chocolate bars for everyone, coffee grounds for Dad, a soda for me, and pig ear for Cooper. I pay and go back out to collect Cooper. As I walk out he perks up, "ok." I say releasing him to come with me. I grab my skate board and start to head home.

I get home and unhook Cooper so he can go find a place to sleep like he always does when we get home from a store run.

"Dad, I got more coffee." I call.

"Oh you're the best!" He calls back.

"Mom, I brought chocolate."

"Oh really?" She says appearing from the stairs. I hand her a milk chocolate bar. She kisses me on the forehead.

I head upstairs when I hear Cooper start to whine and yelp. "Come on man. You know where I'm going." I hear his nails on the hard wood and then his head appears "come on." He starts to climb the stairs.

I go into my room and take the picture out of my pocket. I open my top draw which is full of random picture frames for this exact reason. I find one with black edges and slide the picture in. I add it to the fan art shelf on the back wall of my room.

I smile looking at all the fan art I have and the time people devoted to making them. I turn and look at my entire room. My once foreign walls are now covered with posters of YouTubers like Markiplier and Logan Paul and PewDiePie that I now know and admire.

I sit down at my computer and click into my Blog to write this week's post. Cooper squeezes in under my desk and lays on my feet, acting like a live foot warmer. I behind to type:

"So as promised I'm going to be doing a personal post about my life and how I got here...
I spent the first 14 years of my life in a girls home and had pretty much given up hope of being adopted when two amazing, beautiful people walked into my life and wanted to adopt me without even knowing me. So they took a chance and gave me the life I could never had dreamed of. They gave me everything I could want and more and because of them I am about to be here for you all, all 500,000 off you, and interact and meet you guys.
Ok so back when I met Mom and Dad I was underweight and really just not too healthy. I had really low self confidence. But today I am happy to report that I have gained 20 pounds to a happy steady weight and obviously I've gained confidence to be able to write these and do random pop ins in my dads videos.
Now I'm still human and I still have confidence issues every now and then, plus it doesn't help being a teenage girl, like I don't have acne free skin or perfect teeth but there comes a point where you just embrace your imperfections and learn to not dwell on them. So I encourage y'all to do the same thing and push past your fears because if you do it can lead your somewhere amazing.
Thank you Beautifuls. Text you later."

And with a final read over for errors I upload it. I stand back up and go back into the hall. I look over and can't help but notice that Dad's recording sign is lit up. I smile and go over and listen for a little bit. I hear dad, it sounds like he's really concentrating. I hear "come on, come on... almost there... YES! We did it!"
I quietly open the door and sneak in. "I think I'm gonna leave this episode here," here comes the outro. Let's go!," BUT THANK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO, IF YOU LIKED IT-" he says energetically.

"PUNCH THIS LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS. AND-" I say surprising him. He looks up at me as I move into frame. I nod as him.

"HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND." He says his voice deep close to the mic.

"BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE YALL YOU DUDES. IN THE NEXT VIDEO." I say my voice getting huger at the end.

"IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!" He joined me.

I stand next to him wrapping my arm around his neck. And he hugs me back around the waist. He stops the recording and turns to me.

"You had to come in just for the outro didn't you?" He says smiling.

"Well duh. That's my favorite part. Forget the whole video."

"Oh I see ms thing."

I stop and get serious, looking him straight in the eye. "Thank you for everything. You changed my life. I love you Dad." A tear comes to my eye.

"Oh baby girl. I love you sooo much. Come here." He pulls me to and hugs me close. His arms feel so warm and safe.

Mom comes in now too to our hugging party. She comes over and put and hand on Jack's shoulder and kisses the top of my head. "I love you too Mom."

"I love you too Sweety."

This is my life and I wouldn't change it for anything.

End of Part One.

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