Time with Tom

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Erin: Morning

Tom: Morning!

Erin: Whatcha doing today?

Tom: Washing clothes, cleaning my room. You know real glamorous life.

Erin: Want some help?

I ask sitting cris-cross, bored on my bed. Cooper belly crawls down my bed and lays his head on my lap.

"What's up man?" I whisper to him stroking his soft white fur.

Tom: You can come over and look adorable while I do stuff.

I roll my eyes and smile as he says that. Copper gives a slight whine. "What? You wanna come too?" I ask with a giggle. He opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Yeah?"

Erin: Is it ok if I bring Coop?

It's takes Tom half a second to respond.

Tom: Sure!

Erin: ok I'll see you in a bit then. About 20 minutes.

Tom: Sounds good, maybe I can make my room look less of a disgrace by then.

I leave my phone on the bed and go over to my dresser. I pull open a drawer sift through my shirts, I see that blue crop top and consider it for a second but push it back in but feeling ready for it. I pull out a purple and while soft tee-shirt. I toss it on the bed and look for some shorts, I settle on a light grey pair with frayed bottoms. I grab a Nike sports bra and a pair of underwear and throw them on the bed too.

I go over and shut my door, even though Dads not in his office and they probably won't come up in the two minutes it takes me to get dressed, but I do it anyways.

I slide off my pajama pants and pull off my night tee shirt. I put on my fresh underclothes and then put on the purple shirt. I pull on the shorts and pick at the ends for a minute before snapping myself back to focus.

What an I doing?
         Teeth, hair. Bathroom

I reopen the door and start walking down the hall to the bathroom. "Cooper, stay." I tell him even though he didn't show any signs of following me anyways.

I brush my teeth thoroughly and run my hair brush through my hair. I put on deodorant and some perfume before going back to my room. I grab a pair of socks out of my little bin on top of my dresser and pull my socks on, almost face planing into the floor in the process.

The last thing I do before going downstairs is grab Coopers harness from its hook by my desk. Cooper perks up when he hears the metal clink together. I hold the harness and leash in one hand and my phone in the other. "Come," I call to Cooper as I leave my room. He comes trotting to my side.

Dads sitting at the table when I get downstairs with a cup of coffee. He raises one eyebrow. "You gonna be gone all day?" He asks.

"I don't know maybe. We don't really have a plan." I say grabbing an apple out of the kitchen.

"Ok, text me when you get there." He says waiting for me to come out and then giving he the storm dad look.

"I will, I will," I say sitting on the stairs and untangling Coopers harness. "Cooper, come here." He comes wagging over. I pick up each of his front feet and pull up his harness clipping it on top. I make sure everything snug. I stand up and grab my skateboard out of the closet. "Bye Dad, I'll text you." I say as Cooper and I step out of the house. I morning sun is blinding as I begin to ride down the sidewalk.
I get to Tom house in a few minutes. I go up to the door and softly knock. The door opens after a little while; with Jack on the other side.

"Morning Jack." I say with a smile.

"Morning Erin." He says stepping to the side so I can come in," He's in him room, frantically trying to clean his sorry excuse of a room."

"Gotcha, Thanks." I say stepping inside and going down the hallway to Toms room. I turn the knob and push the door open, it swings open and hits the wall with a thud. I see Toms whole body jump.

"Ja-," he starts turning around with an annoyed look on his face, which immediately melts away when he sees me," Erin, sorry. I wasn't expecting you so soon, excuse the mess."

I look around at the little pile of clothes in the corner, cereal box on the floor, and video game and movie covers scattered around the floor. "Really?" I say walking in," this isn't anything."

"I usually keep my room spotless but with Summer break and enjoying the down time." He says looking around, scratching the back of his neck.

"We can clean this is five minutes, tops." I say going over to the video games and movie cases. I close the open ones and put them sitting up on the shelf where a couple more sit. I then set to work gently sliding the disks sitting on top of the shelf and checking what they were and putting them in their cases.

I spin around, still in the floor and spot Tom picking up the pile of clothes. He glances over at me, "You want to go out after I put these in the laundry room?"

"Ummm sure. But we'll have to drop Coop off at home." I say cautiously, looking at Cooper mindlessly licking his paw.

"Yeah, no problem." He says taking his armload of clothes and walking out looking like a clown trying to do an unsteady balancing act. I can't help but laugh when he almost drops everything in a hall floor. He disappears for a minute and comes back with a accomplished smile on his face. "Ready?"

I look around the room, everything seems clean to me. "Sure, lets go." I say reaching a hand out so he can help me up, he grabs mine with one hand and launches me to my feet. "Cooper." I call as we walk back down the hallway to the front door.

"Mom, we're going into town!" Tom calls towards the living room.

"Ok, don't be out late." A voice calls back.

We go out and I slide into the passengers seat with Cooper jumping up and sitting on my feet. We back out of the driveway and take the two minute drive to my house. Cooper and I jump out leaving Tom in the truck. I jog up the front path and poke my head inside.

"Hello?" Mom calls from somewhere in the house.

"It's me Mom!" I call back, "dropping off Cooper. Tom and I are heading to town."

"Ok. Have fun." She says.

I unclip Cooper harness and let it slide off of him and jumble in a pile on the floor. I push it off to one side against the wall and with one final pet on Coopers head I go back outside to join Tom.

"Where to?" He asks lifting an eyebrow.

"Um the mall?" I ask with a shrug.

"Ok sounds good." We drive in almost complete silence. We're just about half way there when Tom brings his hand over. My heart skips a beat thinking he's going to touch my leg, I take him hand in mine with out finger intertwined. I force myself to not show any signs of my quick spike of anxiety.

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