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Two weeks have passed since Molly left. I haven't spoken a real work in over 10 days. Not to anyone. I keep my head down and walk from one room to the next. A couple of the girls tried to talk with me but eventually gave up and just stepped aside when I enter a room. Even the women who run the house have seem to given up trying to get me to talk.

Another girl, Anna, was adopted the day before yesterday. She was a red haired girl with wild green eyes and a wild imagination. She went to a family that says they live in California.

I was sitting on my bed one day when I heard the front doorbell ring. I sighed a heavy sigh and pulled myself off the bed and down to the door. Everyone has a day to answer the door. Today, Saturday, is mine. I unlock and open the door. I see a thin woman standing before me. "Hello, is there an adult home?" Her voice soft.

I nodded and motioned for her to come in. She stood in the main entrance holding her hands behind her back. I walk into Ms. Jane's office. She looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I point to the door. I know she wants me to talk but I have no interest so I point again with a little more emphasis. She nods standing up from her desk. I go back out and through the entrance.

"What's your name?" The woman waiting asks as I walk to the stairs. I half halt but then continue on. I though about answering her but just continue up the stairs. I go up to the landing and turn the corner then stop and sit down. I'm curious on why this lady's here. I hear Ms. Jane come out of her office and introduce herself.

"How can I help you today?" Ms. Jane asks politely.

"Well my boyfriend and I have lived in the area for a few years now and have gotten settled in a new house and were thinking maybe it was time to start a family. So I thought maybe I could come and visit to get to know the girls."

Like adoption? That's nice for whoever that would be.

"Oh absolutely. Right now everyone is pretty much having down time. You're more than welcome to walk around and I can give you a tour."

"Ok...ummm who was the girl that let me in? She seemed..."


"Oh that's Erin, she's one of our older girls. She doesn't speak," there's a pause," anymore."

"Anymore?" The woman parrots.

"Ummm after one of our girls was adopted a few weeks ago she stopped talking and has not said anything in over a week." Ms. Jane says

It was two weeks since Molly was adopted. And there's no point in me talking.

"Oh I see, sounds like she misses the girl that was adopted." the woman says

*yeah you could say that...*

"Yeah but she doesn't seem very receptive to anyone else." Ms. Jane says sounding a little bored of the topic.

"Ok. Well how about that tour?" The woman changes the subject probably sensing Ms, Janes tone.

"Absolutely, right this way. Well start in the living room."

And this is when I go back to my bed. They move off down the hall to the living room.


About an hour later laying on my bed, reading one of my few books, I hear a light knock at the door. It's the woman from down stairs. "Can I come in?" She says with a slight smile.

I give her a slight nod. She comes and sits on the corner of my bed. "Your names Erin right?" I nod again. She smiles. "Ok, I'm Signe (I think it's pronounced seen-ya ?? Idk sorry) You been here long? How many years?"

I hold up eight fingers. Man, that's a long time... Most of my life...

"You have been here a long time." I look up at her sideways and give her a half smile. "You've probably seen a lot of people come and go huh?"

Molly... a tear comes to my eye thinking of her. I stare at my blanket. Just then her phone buzzes. She picks it up and seems to text someone. When she's done she looks up at me. "That was my boyfriend wondering how I'm doing?"

Must me nice to have someone that loves you. I nod. Her phone buzzes again. "He says hi." I nod. She smiles at me. Its like she finds it funny I don't talk to her.

"I gotta go but I'll be back to visit in a couple days." I give her a slight smile and nod. She stands up and goes to the door. I watch as she leaves. Once she disappears I look back down at the bed. I see a folded piece of paper. I pick it up and unfold it, inside is a note that reads-

     Dear Erin,
          We haven't met yet but I think you're a very pretty young lady. You seem like a       girl that deserves a house to call home. So that being said, my boyfriend and I would like, with your permission, to foster you or better yet adopt you. You can text us (or call but you know...). We hope you will give us a chance.
                                                                      Signe and Sean    (1 900) 210-9054    ⬅️FAKE! DO NOT CALL!!

I refold the picture and tuck it the cover of my book. Someone actually wants to adopt me? I might have a family to call my own? No way.

Just then Ms. Jane appears in the doorway with a smile on her face I smile back, a real genuine smile for he first time in a while.

This is real...

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