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Hey guys, my life is really crazy, you have no idea, so writing isn't a thing I've been able to do since before school started. So please bare with me until I can really spend time doing what I love, writing💙. Love you all.

I've finally got a decent length chapter put together, even though it's not perfect. Hope you enjoy though.💟

"Erin! Signe! Lunch is ready." Sean calls up the stairs. I'm not that hungry, in fact my stomachs a little uneasy. I slide off the bed followed by Signe and go down the hallway. I have to look both directions to see what way we came from. I walk down the hallway but stop when a picture catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I stopped so suddenly that Signe bumped into me.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She says taking a step back and following my gaze to look at picture too.

"It's fine." The picture is her and Sean looks like they're at some kind of red carpet event. Sean in a nice suite and Signe in a beautiful green form fitting dress. Sean has his arms around her and they both have huge smiles on their faces. Looking at the picture makes me smile too.

"Man, that was amazing." Signe says. I keep looking at the picture not saying anything. "Come on, lets go get some lunch."

We go downstairs and walk to the hallway facing the front door. I look over at Signe and she put a hand on my shoulder and held a hand down the hallway.

"After you." I walk forwards down the hallway. I heard some motion to the right and went towards it.
I turned the corner and saw a dining room set with three place mats, plates, bowls, cups, and silver wear. Then from the kitchen came Sean holding a pot. He sets it in the table and then goes back to the kitchen. He returns with a plate of grilled cheeses cooked to perfection; golden brown with oozing melted cheese. My mouth began to water at the sight of them.

"You can sit anywhere." Sean say with a smile. I look at Signe and she nods. I look at the three places. I go over to the one in the corner and sit folding my hands in my lap. Signe sit to my right. Jack picks up the three glasses. "What would you like to drink?"

"Ummm waters fine." I say softly.

"We have tea or milk. But water?" Sean says giving me a inquisitive look.

"Yes please." I say more confidently.

"Ok. And you honey?" Sean say turning to Signe.

"Water please." Signe says with a slight grin. Sean turns and goes into the kitchen returning with three glasses of water. He sets one in front of each of us.

"Help yourself." Sean says with a nod to me. I reach over and grab the top grilled cheese. I set it on my plate and watch as they each take one too. I look at the tomato soup and then up at Sean. "Would you like some help?"

"Yes please." I answer holding out my bowl.

"How much would you like?"

"Just a little to dip my sandwich in."

He pours some into my bowl and then sets it down again. We talk a little over lunch about my past and life at the girls home and of Molly. After lunch Sean took the dishes into the kitchen. Once the table was clear. Sean came back and sat down taking Signe's hand on the table.

"Ok. We have something that we need to tell you. And it's totally up to you what you want to do. But..." Signe says as a vague introducing on. She looks over at Sean.

"Yeah. But uhhh I'm a YouTuber." He's says with a toothy grin peaking out in the corner of his mouth.

A YouTuber? Like videos? Ok..? "Ummm ok?"

"Now it's gonna take a while to get use to, but I have my office at the end of the hall, next to your room. I'll be in there for most of the day."

"Alright." I say still trying to process what it is he does.

"And one more thing before we show you my office. My channel name is Jacksepticeye. So if you hear anyone call me Jack that's why. Well that and Jack is the American for Sean," I nod, "you ready for the full house tour? With my office of course."

"Yeah." We all get up. First we go around the downstairs; kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, laundry room, master bedroom and bathroom, and a closet. Then we headed up stairs.

We pass the picture that Signe and I were looking at, I crack a smile. We pass my room, I reach out and run my fingers across the wooden door as I pass. Sean stops at the only other door past mine. He turns to me. "This is my office, if you will. Come on in," he says pushing the door open.
I step in, not thinking to wait to be invited, looking at a tall bookshelf lined with little figurines. I realize and my heart skips a beat. I jerk my head up to look at them standing in the doorway. "Oh uh... sorry..." my voice soft. I feel small.
"Sorry for what? You're welcome to look at anything," Sean says walking over to join me, "these are cool aren't they?"
"Yeah, never seen anything like 'em," I say with light fingertips on the edge on one of the shelves.
"I've been collecting them for years. Whenever I go on tour I'm given them so the collection is always growing. There's some pretty cool ones too." He his eyes scouring the shelves.
I turn around wanting to see everything. It's an L-shaped room with shelves on the long part and then over at the short end there's a long desk with a computer setup from out of this world, in my opinion.

👉The walls are padded like something from a mental hospital, but it looks kinda cool. I run my hand along the wall feeling the ridges in the foam. I look around to see if there's anything else that I need to look at. I don't see anything that seems too interesting so I walk back to Signe at the door.

"What you think?" She days with a smile.

"I think it's pretty cool." I say with a smile.

"Hey uhh, Sean, should we uhhh..." she says getting his attention and motioning her head down the hall.
"Oh yeah." He says excitedly. They both turn to me. "You wanna go get your puppy?"

"Really? We can?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on. It's not too long of a drive. We'll be back before it's too late." Sean says walking past us in the doorway. "TO THE CAR!" he yells down the hallway.

I jump hearing the sudden loud yell. Signe laughs and then I join her and laugh. I quickly stop in my room and grab my only sweatshirt, it's grey and has a whole in the bottom from being worn so much.

I put it over my arm and hurry back down the stairs to join the others.
They're waiting at the front door with light jackets too. We all head out to the car.

A new start. (Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now