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Letters for her ~ 7

Dear blessing ,

The nights remain cold and so are the days . But I love it for it reminds me of your hugs and simply being in your arms . Being with you is a step to heaven and I'll run not walk in these steps . Remember when you invited me over and we went to Ally's Bar and how you won the singing competition . I remember how you sang our heart out with your eyes lock unto mines . We got a hundred bucks that night and we drove around town with our music blasting with our bottle of wines .  Oh how your presence lift me up every time . Being able to spend a moment with you my love gives me more reasons to love waking up and to hate sleeping , because I don't wanna miss you , I don't wanna go a second without seeing you my love . Trainings are hard , sleepless days and long nights but I'll will always tell myself my baby needs me home so I get up and I try all my best because I wanna come home , I wanna be with you my love . I'm glad that I've been receiving your letters and I'm proud of you being a nurse helping out our town especially kids that's my baby . I miss you stay warm my love write back soon and remember I love you more than myself , more than the galaxy , higher than the clouds and deeper than the sea .

With all me . E.M

I was touched and amazed of this letter .

My mom sure had a great time .


I look it up on my laptop and saw that it is around town . I'll check it out when I can because my mom is still here .


Dear diary ,

Its been a week since we buried my grandma in her home in Texas . My mom decided to move in and take of the house . The farm is long gone since I left I moved back to Europe for work and to take care of business . I hate life anywho talk to you later on .

      Xoxo , Heav .

I step out of my office and put on my jacket because its cold . I put on my glasses and step outside to see Davina running up to me .

" Ms.Paxton our Art gallery in Monastery has a new competitor who open an art gallery across . " Davina said .


" Send me the address I'll like to check it out . " I said and made my way in my car and drove to my Art gallery and walked across .

It was a old building that used to be a theater I've been trying to get it as my Art galley but I never got it .

Who got it now .

I step inside and made my way inside .

I thinking it's about to close because no one was inside but I'm curious so I wonder inside .

I admit the paintings here are unique great collection .

I stop by a painting that is beautiful to my eyes .

The name of the painting was ' GONE ' .

Why gone .

It was painting of a girl running away holding a heart .

" The painter painted it to reflect on its love life of how the girl who hold its heart ran away with it , the feeling was broken in a way life couldn't fix , the hurt and pain behind it was a story you can only understand if someone left you in pieces . " A man spoke and I turn around to see a man in black suit . His face was perfectly chiseled and his eyes were daring .

" Hi stalker . " He said and my heart dropped .

Letters for herWhere stories live. Discover now