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Letters for her ~20
Chapter song : you are the reason Calum Scott

Do you ever have those moments in life where you feel like everything is made up by lies and lies .

Like all lies and little truth .

Or the way your heart stings when a truth is reveal and you just freeze trying to take everything in , try to breathe for awhile ....

Or simply when you have to understand the " whys " in life .

I hate these moments .

It's been a week since my last encounter with Xile and Evie . It's been a week of thoughts running and me trying to understand . I mean it's a shocking finding out that my moms biggest happiness is found in a woman . I don't mind it because they both love each other and they been through a lot , they deserve happiness .

Since it was the weekend Robin and I flew back home and my mom was happy to see us she took the night off to stay with me .

" I'm glad your back my blessing I missed you . " My mom said kissing my cheeks .

" I'll have dinner . " My mom bounced out of the living room . Robin was watching NFL and I made my way up to my room . I haven't been in my room in a while since Robin and I shared the other quest room .

It was exactly the same nothing changed . I went through my old photos with Xile back when grandma was alive man e were hella happy . I sat on my bed and admire the memories of me and my grandma in this room .

I grab my old bag to see one letter left inside .

" read this when you find E.M . "

I open the letter and began reading .

Dear blessing ,

How have you been ? I can imagine that you look exactly like your mom since you've grown . I am writing to you incase I leave this earth without telling you a secret . Your mom loved Evie and I couldn't have it with all my will I drove them apart . I didn't want her to be with Evie because it will look bad on our family . I will threaten Evie or lock your mom inside the house . I never understood their story I never even tired . Until your mom settled down with the bachelor and he abused her so bad . Your mom will cry calling me and she tried her hardest to escape . When she did she never reached out for me she hated me well I don't blame her I am the cause of her mystery . When I found the letters I felt so guilty I didn't know their story until then . But it was too late for me to reach out for your mom she hated me so much . Then you found the letters and I knew that the only way to give my Catrina her happiness is to be with her true love .
And I couldn't just tell you I needed you to relive in their memories and most important feel their love . Oh my little Heav it gets hard trying to fix the past but you can't fix the past with the past you must fix it with the future . Your grandpa will always say no matter how much hate there is love that overpowers any hate , any pain and any mistake because you can't deny love , your heart chooses and your heart Will always win . Don't hate Xile it was my idea I wish I was right there with you my blessing but know that I'm always watching . I love you so much my blessing from above stay warm and stay happy .

Love Grandma .

I was tearing so bad that I held the letter to my heart and kept crying , oh grandma .

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