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                                                              Letters for her ~ 17
                                                   Chapter Song : Unhinged by Nick Jonas

Do you ever had the moment where you just stare at your bestfriend and aside from adoring that freak you fell in love with her/him .

Or a time where you thought of their sake and just kill your feelings for them .

OR when you thought your actually doing them a favor but you fail so .......

" Falling in love with you . "

His words lingers in my mind as I try to my best to fix the tangles of this moment I am in .

" Falling in love with you . "

He likes me ? Or is he falling in love with me .

" Falling in love with you . "

Is he playing with me or .

I pop my dream bubble to see a furious looking Xile looking at me I don't know what to say .

" I don't know what to say. . " I said .

" Good then listen I spent my entire lifetime waiting for you and another chasing you Heav , I loved no one else but you since that war we had at the market since you completed my life and since we went on this journey . I love you Heav yet your lover troubles your heart . Yet it troubles mine too , we may share a bed , see each other but are you mines ? Heav do you love me ? Do you share a single feeling toward me I need to know ? "

Fuuuccckk this is hard .

Mom help me I need you .

I don't want to lose Xile but I can't play him also , ugh .

Lord take me now .

" Xile I . "

" Since we met you annoyed the hell out of me and I wished you death but we grew closer we became best friends and I leaned on you and you on mine . In my eyes you were my right hand my go to guy and my get away partner . You are the star with many girls , your the successful guy who can get anyone , yet I'm your friend always have always been . "

" so your saying is . " Xile said .

" I. "

" Say it I want to hear you say it . " Xile said locking his eyes with mines .

" I'm sorry Xile . " Was all I said and Xile sighs .

" At the end of the day I'm nothing more but a friend . " Xile said fighting his tears .

" Xile. "

" Let me cry , let me be in pain so I could erase you from my heart . " Xile said walking away .

" XIlE ! "

" XIlE ! "

   And diary that's how my day went losing my best friend why am I such a bitch , ugh . I really didn't mean to I mean at the end of the day he's just a friend Robin is the one I love . Xile should've accepted my feelings because he can't blame me ugh . Anyways dairy I'm still breathing I haven't gotten letter back . Should I write back or nah . Decisions , decisions . Later diary

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