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Letters for her - 16

Ughhh mornings......

Ughhhh hangovers .....

I slowly open my eyes being greeted by the stupid sun , ugh .

I turn to the other side to see a sleeping Xile his features rested well and he was way more cute this way . I mean look at his glorious body perfectly shaped .

RIGHT i slept with my best friend . I got out of bed and went straight to shower my mom is probably at work by now . After cleaning my body and feeling refresh I put on my clothes dry my hair and went downstairs to whip up breakfast .

I settle on making blueberry pancakes and coffee .

I set the table as Xile appears in the kitchen sadly dressed . His hair was messy , he was yawning and he was still sexy .

" Morning . " He said siting down as I served him breakfast .

" Morning . "

I grab some Tylenol and sat down to eat breakfast silently with Xile .

weird aye .

" Heav . " I hear my mom stepping in the kitchen in her doctors uniform .

" Yea mom . "

" I'm working at noon I mixed up my time today oh hi Xile . " My mom said sitting down the dinning table .

" Morning Catrina . "

" So guys what's the latest . " My mom said getting her plate filling it with two  pancakes .

Xile and I look at one another , clear our throats and I awkwardly lost my appetite .

" Ahem I gotta go later guys . " Xile said standing up .

" later . " I said emptying my plate and pretend to wash the dishes in the sink .

" What was that ? " My mom said .

NO she can't know .

" what was what mom . "

" Oh come on Heav I'm not stupid my mother sense are telling me you two hit an home run last night  ."

" Home Run ? "

" Sex darling get it . " I laugh at my moms crazy accusations and kiss her head .

" Say ma do you know what a Gold kids are  ? " My mom smiled .

" It's a frosted home not far from the hospital why dear ? "

" Nothing later mom  . " I grab my scarf , put on my boots and drove to the Froster place luckily it was easy to look for .

I step out and see the big welcoming sign Mary's Froster care .

There were small ages of children playing by the playing ground and some old ones by the basketball court .

Letters for herWhere stories live. Discover now