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Jungkook and Bo Young
walked out of school together.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"You'll see." She said walking ahead of him.

Jin watched them smile together and felt his heart ache.

Jin hated the way Jungkook treated Bo Young.

They continued walking together until they reached the bus stop.

"Why are we here?" Jungkook asked.

"Well if you're gonna rule a country you need to know what it's like to be a citizen in one! Have you ever taken public transportation before?" She asked.

"Well...no." Jungkook said slightly embarrassed.

"Well then this should be a fun first!" She said taking his hand as they walked onto the bus.

Bo Young swiped her bus card twice for both her and Jungkook.

They sat in the back, it was Bo Young's favorite section to sit in.

"Ugh there's so much trash in here, it's kinda gross." He said laughing it off obviously trying to sound less spoiled.

"Yup and people ride in all this trash once and sometimes twice a day." She said smiling.

Jungkook sighed.

"This is our stop." Bo Young  said hopping out of her seat.

"Thank you." She said to the bus driver.

"Thank you." Jungkook said, assuming it was the proper thing to say to the driver.

Junkgook followed close behind Bo Young and noticed that they had arrived at the beach.

"It's the middle of December Bo Young why'd you take me to the beach?" He asked confused.

"Because it's the best time to come..." She said.

"Jesus and I thought I was the one who was always on drugs." He said laughing.

"I'm serious!.. Take a look... No one's around... No one to judge you... Or say that you can't do what you want... AND YOU CAN SCREEEAAAM AS LOUD AS YOU WANT... And no one is around to tell you to be quiet."
She said skipping around yelling at the ocean.

Jungkook smiled now understanding her point.

The waves quietly tucked over each other, glistening in the cold air.
The sand parted ways slowly under their shoes.

"What are you angry about?" Bo Young asked.


"Yell something you're angry about, here I'll go first...
THE ECONOMY." She yelled cupping her hands around her mouth pointing out into the sea.

Jungkook giggled at her statement.


She laughed, loving being the cause of his anger.


Jungkook really bursted out laughing this time.

"See, don't you feel better now?" Bo Young said smiling.

"Yep, somehow, you were right." He said smiling back.

She loved being the cause of his happiness.

Jungkook took a stick lying on the shore and started to draw in the sand.

"What are you drawing?" Bo Young asked.

She walked closer and saw that he had drawn half a heart.
Jungkook stood at the bottom where the tip of he heart would be.

He handed Bo Young the long branch.

"I'll be standing right here." He said.

Bo Young began to draw starting from the curved top of the heart and made her way down connecting her tip of the heart to Jungkook's, running into him as she finished.

Jungkook caught her and as she gained her balance looked into his eyes and began laughing at her clumsiness.

He was so great full to have someone like her, who would take time out of her day to cheer him up, not wanting anything in return.

Jungkook leaned down and kissed Bo Young's forehead.

Bo Young froze in shock.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?" She asked.

"For everything." He responded.

"Now let's get back to town it's getting cold!" He said skipping back to the bus stop.

Royals ♔♡Prince!Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now