1- Meeting Green

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Pidge remembered the day that changed her life and those around her. The day she found that cave off of the dirt road that lead to the bakery. The day she felt so curious, she even ventured into the dark huge, cavernous hole buried in the Great Mountain's side and released the green-furred lion.

The day she was cursed to have the abilities to bend nature to her will. She never did regret taking the lion's curse though... things happen and this was one of those things.

It happened when she was ten. She was walking with her friend, Keith, and her brother, Matt, to the bakery for an early sweet. She had ran ahead and spotted a mysterious dirt path leading away from the road she walked everyday. Her child self was so curious, only if she had known.

She stumbled down the path as she ran in the name of adventure. The path closed behind her, making sure no one would follow. She smiled as the wind whipped across her face and a ginormous hole carved into the mountain appeared in front of her. She looked down it, seeing nothing but black. Her little imaginative mind went crazy with ideas of what could be so far down.

That's when she noticed the earth bridge being formed from dirt and vines coming towards her. Magic! Something rare! After seeing that, she had to go down there in the name of science. When the winding path reached her feet, which were shoved into shoes to big for her since they were Matt's old ones, she stepped onto it and followed it down into the dark. When the path widened and met a ledge, she stood, waiting for her eyes to adjust. When they did, she could barely make out a giant statue of a lion's head carved into the wall in front of the ledge. If she reached her hand out, she could touch the nose, which is what she did.

The moment her left hand touched the carving, a green light burst from the entire lion head, lighting up the deep hole. Vines with green buds wrapped around her arm all the way up to her shoulder and stopped moving. They began to glow as they entered her skin. She wanted to scream at the surprising event, but instead she found herself staring in awe as the vines painlessly pierced into her arm.

A roar came from behind her. She slowly looked at where it came from, unable to remove her arm from the sculpted lion head. A female white and green-furred lion that resembled the carving crept up onto her. She wanted to run, she wanted to scream as it rose it paw, but instead she just stood there staring in disbelief. 

The paw came down on the same arm that was absorbing the budded vines. Pain didn't come from the wound until a few moments after it was inflected. Her arm seemed to boil as excruciating pain erupted. The budded vines vanished and green markings were left along with the lion's scratch. She stumbled up the now decaying bridge, wanting to escape.

When she made it back to the path, she had fainted and awoke in her home. That very night, she learned that her beloved brother and father went missing during the search for her. That's when she learned of her powers. In her grief, she had unknowingly conjured up a pile of out-of-control vines that destroyed her home. She was taken from her mother by the king, Shiro's father, and placed under supervision.


Katie smiled as she saw a letter she received from Shiro and Allura on the floor next to a box. The two always sent her a letter each month to recap what was happening back at the castle. When she left, Shiro was the prince and his father was king while Allura remained to have some rights to the throne. Now, Shiro and Allura co-own the thrown because of Shiro's father's disappearance. 

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