19- Damsil in Distress?

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Katie regretted telling Pidge that little slip of information she had forgotten to mention before. The girl had rushed out of the room, the project forgotten, and left Katie alone to her thoughts, which was never good. That white room consumed her mind in the twisted truth. She and Takashi were always apart, unable to cross that line.

After a few moments of silence, Katie decided it worthy to chase after the girl. She stood, forgetting about going home, and walked out of the dark room, light nearly blinding her. "Pidge?" she called in search of her shorter, younger self. She never liked the feeling of being alone. It allowed her mind to think, something she never liked. She wanted a roommate back in Garrison, but due to her position, she wasn't given one.

Throwing the memories of Garrison away, she walked down the hallways in distress when she couldn't find anyone. She went further and further until she heard shouting somewhere. "He's the spawn of Zarkon? How can that be!" It sounded like Allura, but it must've been alien Allura. "Does that mean I'm related to that murderer in their reality?"

Pidge stood with alien Allura and Hunk, explaining what she had just learned. They walked as she talked, heading for somewhere Katie didn't know. They ran into McClain and Kogane along the way and explained the situation to them. In no time, all of them were headed in a single direction. Where were they even going?  They stopped in front of a door on the left side.

"Shiro? Open the door!" alien Allura called through the metal entrance and into the room. No answer came through, so McClain threw his weight at the door. It fell out of its hold and onto the ground. Alien Allura looked at him, hands on hips. "Lance! Its a sliding door! I could've just pushed a button!" she said, annoyed by McClain breaking the castle's door.

McClain just smiled and retorted, "I felt like the situation would've been cooler if I did that." From behind him, Kogane slapped the back of McClain's head and walked inside. A few moments later Kogane came back out.

"No signs of Shiro or Zarkon's offspring Shiro," Kogane reported and punched the doorframe. They weren't happy with the find. Katie thought it was weird that both Shiro and Takashi were gone. What could've happened?

Hunk put a finger to his temple, trying to think. "Do you think that alternative us are actually bad guys? We automatically trusted them because they were us, but from a different world. Then again they are from an alternative reality... They could be the evil us," Hunk said, fearing for a mistake they could've made. Katie didn't like the sound of it. If Pidge and the other listened to Hunk's scared ranting, they would turn against them and they'll never return home.

Without a single thought, Katie stepped out into the light, anger swallowing up her abilities to make rational decisions. "Hunk, I can't believe you would think that. Our story is different then yours, yeah, but that doesn't mean our Zarkon is as evil as yours. If we can be the evil you then maybe our Zarkon is the nice him!" she said, defending the man she despised. The words sounded false when they rolled off her tongue, but she hoped that the other's didn't catch her false speaking. She didn't even believe the words she was saying.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Pidge asked, not liking how Katie had appeared all of a sudden even if she had a point. Katie knew she shouldn't have done that, but there was no turning back now. 

"Well, when someone leaves you with fright in their eyes, you kinda feel the need to follow. None of you can tell me that you wouldn't follow someone who has caught your attention. Except you Hunk... you probably wouldn't follow," Katie explained, approaching the six. She stopped a few feet ahead of them and smiled. "Everything we've spoken of up to this point has been true. We want nothing more then to go home. We have no reasons to lie to you."

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