21- Two Paths

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Katie looked at what the two had brought her to see. Her heart grew heavy and her eyes wouldn't look away. She felt her lips twitch, the scream dying out in her throat. She wanted to turn away and run, to forget what she was seeing. But her legs became stone and her arms went limp. In front of her, only a few steps down into a box-like trench was a man she knew very well. A person she grew up with. His crown was gone and in its place was thrashed hair. The little fluff she loved to play with had partially gone white.

His clothes were torn, dirty, and soaked in the blood dripping from his head. Along his nose was a fresh scar, most likely caused by the crown. Her legs went mushy and she fell to her knees. Behind her, a snicker rang out.

"Your reaction is better then I imagined! Now, if you don't help me open up that portal, then I'm going to do much worse to Mr. King. Okay?" Cirel said, placing a hand over one of his eyes as laughter erupted from his lips. She wanted to say something, but her eyes stayed on Takashi's limp head.

This was her fault. Only if she hadn't wanted to go through that portal. She sat there, staring at the man she loved, thinking of all the things she'd done wrong. The image of Takashi burned its way into her memory as he biggest regret.  

"Oi! Don't ignore me!" Cirel shouted, kicking her back. Katie fell down the stairs and hit the ground right in front of Takashi. Her anger boiled inside her, ready to be let loose. She felt her arm calling out to her. Her scream that had died out in her throat rose again and this time, she let it out. Her arm began to heat up, her emotions flowing into it. It began to burn like it had when she first received the markings. 

Katie felt something stand by her side. She felt fur brush against her and a growl making its way to the throat of it, anger similar to her own. Vines exploded around the three and Katie scrambled to Takashi's side. Green arched over, glaring up at the two Galra.

Katie's hands grabbed Takashi's face as tears filled her own. "Shiro? Shiro? Can you hear me? Please tell me your alive!" she whispered, heart welling up. What had she done?

"Katie...?" a deep voice said, cracking. Katie looked into his eyes to see them staring back at her, unfocused. No doubt that he could only see a blurred figure. He reached out for her with his right hand and wrapped it around her back. With a weak pull, he made her come closer and buried his head in her clothing. She didn't care if blood now stained her dress. He was hugging her and he never hugged anyone. Takashi was allowing himself to be open for once.

She wrapped her arms around his body and returned the hug. Tears erupted out of her eyes faster then before and her body shook. She didn't want to loose him too. Though, she knew that she may be too late for that. That's when she felt it, something washing over them like petals falling in spring from a tree they walked under. The grip Takashi had on her was no longer weak.

Katie pulled away and Takashi's wounds had healed. Only a scar on his nose and their stained clothes proved that she hadn't imagined the blood and pain. "I'm healed...!" he said and hugged Katie once more. "How did you do it?"

"I have no clue! Green, do you know?" Katie asked. She looked at her lion that still faced the villains who caused this whole scene. 

"Healing is one of my abilities. The same is for Blue. We both can heal," Green said. Cirel stepped forward, daring to try to pass the vine barrier Katie had created and fight Green. She snarled at him and placed a paw in front of herself, ready to pounce. Cirel stepped backwards. He hadn't plan this. 

"Katie? Shiro?" Allura's voice called. Cirel smiled. Maybe this wasn't over yet. Allura stepped into the room and Cirel snatched her up.

"Now you'll do as I say or Allura gets it!" he called before turning to the rabbit-Galra next to him. "Here Gritel, take this human and make sure she doesn't escape." Gritel nodded and took Allura from him. It was slightly funny that Gritel was shorter then Allura by a full foot but still kept her in a headlock.

Katie knew what she had to do. She looked at Shiro and placed her hands around his head. With a quick tug she pulled his face to hers and kissed him. To her surprise he kissed back. It wasn't long, but she savored the time she had.

She had finally crossed that white room to his side and looked at the window. Though, she knew it wouldn't be long before she left that room permanently.  

Katie left Shiro on the ground, her mind made up. Shiro was chained to the wall and the only way to undo it was to use the key Cirel had hanging around his neck. "So you've decided to cooperate? Great!" Cirel cheered, placing a hand on Katie's shoulder.

"Let Allura go first," she said, giving Cirel a cold expression that told that she would kill him in a moment's notice. He nodded towards Gritel and the rabbit-Galra pushed Allura into the trench that Shiro was in.

This was her cue. She hadn't trained much on this subject, but she had to do it anyway. With all the magical energy she had, she reached out to her feet. Katie felt her markings travel over her shoulder, down her back, and along her leg before reaching the soles of her feet. "I'm sorry," Katie said as she looked over her shoulder to see both Shiro and Allura. "I would love to have more time."

A vine snuck its way from behind Katie and struck her through her stomach and into Cirel's chest, piercing his heart if he had one. Before anyone could react, another vine came up from behind Gritel and tied her down. The vine around Gritel stuck her to the ground, leaving her unable to move.

Takashi and Allura watched as the vine through Katie and Cirel dissipated and Katie fell to the floor. Green vanished, unable to stay there on Kaite's life force. Allura and Shiro let out two ear-piercing screams, signifying the event.

Takashi's heart wanted to stop with Katie's own, but only hers stopped beating that day, hours later.


-ThatOneServant RIP

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