11-Our Distance

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Lance slammed his head into the wall over and over again, cursing the thoughts and doubts running through his head. They had took shelter at the place Pidge found her lion all those years ago and established an air of silence. 

Every since Lance turned away from the mysterious beauty he had been trying so hard to become close to, he had been thinking of returning. Even though he somehow established a competitive relationship with the man, he still wouldn't hesitate to fix that mistake. How that began is a long story, one Lance wouldn't want to tell. It happened while they were in that hospital room after the first dinner. Pidge went to go see her brother and Shiro was off doing king things, so it was just them in the room. In desperate need of Keith's attention, Lance tried to impress him. 

"I bet I will heal faster then you, I have always been a fast healer!" Lance had told the red-wearing man. Keith only retorted with a "Yeah right." Every since then, Keith had been trying to one-up everything Lance did like he had something to prove. 

"Stop that. You'll kind a head injury," Hunk warned as he read a cook book Gyrgan lent to him. Hunk kept giving occasional looks in both Lance and Pidge's direction.

Katie was in the opposite corner as Lance, sitting with her knees pulled to her chest, throwing stones. Each one she threw, she muttered something with fury. Sometimes Hunk would be able to hear her words. "Stupid Shiro" and "Idiotic man" were what he overheard.

What would they do? They need Shiro and Keith if they want to stop Zarkon. Even those on their side weren't in working order. They all would be in trouble if Zarkon showed up on their doorstep, wanting to kill them. "What are we going to do!?" Lance asked when he finally decided that giving himself a concussion was not the way to go.

Katie threw one more rock and looked at them. "We do our best to try and survive this. All our stuff is back at the castle, we didn't even think to grab our things then go," she said, cursing her past self. Lance looked at her, slightly afraid to say anything to her at that moment.  She continued, "not to mention we could've at least taken some time to cool off, then see where it took us!"  

Silence followed, leaving the three friends with awkwardness in the air. Lance began to whistle while Hunk continued to read through the book. Katie picked up another rock. What were they going to do? She tossed it across the canyon-like cave with anger refilling her heart. What if she looses everyone?


Keith regretted not saying anything to Lance and the other two before they left, but he couldn't change the mistake. He only was able to act happy for his step-father's return. He watched as Zarkon happily feasted on all the food Gyrgan and Shay made. The two cooks only watched from beside where Keith stood as the food disappeared slowly. Shay had held an expression of sadness every since Hunk's departure. Gyrgan was not the same either. He only ever showed a straight face, like the world was black and white with nothing of interest. 

Shiro and Allura sat next to Zarkon and talked his ear off with fill-ins and questions. Zarkon listened, but never answered the questions. "Father, please tell us where you were!" Shiro asked for the hundredth time. His father gave him a glance and shoved a turkey leg into his mouth.

Keith was becoming suspicious and what happened that morning kept bugging him. Their lions and friends told them that Zarkon was not to be trusted, that he was a threat, but they didn't listen. Keith just took Shiro's side because Shiro was the only person other then Katie who cared for him. Though, unlike Katie, Shiro knew him best. Keith had always wanted a brother, and he got one. 

Even though Shiro knew him better, Katie was first. Keith had lost his dad and had no one other then his mother. He remembers so many times he'd climb up onto her lap and cried into her dark hair. When he did, it felt like he was floating in the clouds, hugging a giant teddy bear. He'll never admit it, but he quit enjoyed his mother's hugs, even up to the day she died.

Katie came pouncing into his life a half a year before his father died, but he only saw her as annoying. He didn't think of her as a friend until she comforted him for weeks after the lost of his father. She started to come by everyday and just sit there allowing him to cry his eyes out as she patted his back while his mom was working. Keith was always embarrassed of her seeing him like that. 

They began to hang out a lot after then; she was the sister he never had. He began to smile again, his mother was so happy. Katie also became a common guest at his house and he was one to her's too. The Red Paladin smiled fondly at the memory. 

How could he not have seen it? Katie never was afraid of anything, she always seemed to be more tough then him. He even thought she was a guy in disguise until she hit puberty. Now all of a sudden she is afraid of the man who took her in, no-took her away from her mother and forced her to hide her abilities. She must have a reason to be afraid of him now when she was not before.

"Where's Katie, she should have returned by now," Zarkon said randomly after finishing the turkey leg. Keith began to listen when the previous king said this. The first thing Zarkon had said since he came back and it was asking where Katie was. "Where's that adopted daughter of mine?"

Keith wanted to slap Zarkon. Katie was never and will never be his daughter. "Katie has not returned yet," Keith jumped in, not wanting this mischievous man to know that they suspect him. He had to find Katie and tell her. He had chosen the wrong side instead of the obvious one he should have chosen. He now knew this and he was not going to forget it. Keith now just had to get Mr. I-Am-Always-Right and Miss-I-Follow-My-Cousin on Katie's side. 

"What do you mean?" Shiro started, but Keith shot him a look that said 'shut-up.' Shiro did not know why Keith wanted him to stay quiet about Katie's return, but maybe it had to do with that morning's events. "She hasn't returned." Shiro quickly said, turning back to his father. Zarkon nodded slowly, raising an eyebrow.

Little did they know that Zarkon had returned to stripe Katie of her abilities and take it and the other lion's magic for himself.

SPLIX.IO IS MY NEW ADDICTION!! I was playing it earlier today and there was a Keith and Lance. Keith was #1 and I bumped into the Lance (who was blue) while I was being AND PEGGY. That can't be a coincident! Hello fellow Voltron fans!

ThatOneServant out!

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