17-New Dimension?

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lol quick ending! Jk JK I'm going to begin to call King Shiro: Takashi (unless someone is addressing him), the other realm's Allura: Alien Allura, other Lance: McClain, and other Keith: Kogane. Pidge is other realm Katie and Katie is Katie. Obviously. Hunk will be Hunk because Hunk did not follow.

"Wow, so I'm a king?" Shiro said after hearing the story Katie and her friends had to offer. Takashi pointed to the crown rested on his head like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it probably was.

"Oh Shiro screw that! I'M A QUEEN!" alien Allura cheered. Katie laughed at alien Allura's energy. "Does that mean that me and Shiro are also together in your realm?" Together? 

Allura spit the tea she was drinking and stood. "I'll have you know that we are co-owners and cousins! The thought of even sharing the same bed disgusts me!" she shouted. Alien Allura and Shiro looked at each other then the group in front of them.

"I have the same thoughts as my cousin," Takashi said, setting the tea down on the table before them, "Besides, I already have someone I'm interested in." Allura, Katie, and Matt perked up at this.

"Oh! King Shiro has a crush!" Matt cooed, leaning over the couch so he could see Takashi's face. Matt had told Takashi many stories, but he never had heard one from the king.

"My cousin? Love? IS IT KATIE!?" Allura cheered, seeing the distant ship getting ready to sail. Remember how few could understand Katie? Allura was one of them.

"Allura don't be foolish! I've been gone for four years with Lance and Hunk at Garrison! There was no room for Shiro to develop a crush!" Katie called, blushing lightly as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Let me dream, Katie!" Allura called as she deflated over the arm of the couch.

"Wait so we see our other reality selves except Pidge and Hunk's. Your Hunk stayed behind, but what about your Pidge?" Kogane asked. None of them knew a Pidge, but that was the name Katie used to get in Garrison.

"Who cares! Hello, beautiful~!" McClain said as he shot Katie his grin. Lance was a playboy in all universes. With a sigh, Katie stood and  walked over to McClain. She tugged his ear so they could be eye level.

"You will speak with respect when you address me, boy. Ask my reality's Lance and Hunk. Even Keith. Don't mess with Katie Holt," she hissed before allowing McClain to jerk his head away. He muttered "scary" before seeking shelter behind Keith. Katie turned her eyes to this universe's her. "I'm guessing you have kept your real name secret from them. I have no clue to why, but it's not good to keep secrets from your friends. I learned that a long time ago."

The other realm's inhabitants, other then Shiro, looked at their Katie with confusion. "What is she talking about, Pidge?" Hunk asked, looking down at their younger version of Katie.

"Guys, my name is not Pidge. It's Katie Holt. I used Pidge Gunderson to sneak into Garrison to find my family," she quietly said. Even in this universe, Katie had lost her family... What was with the sad fate she always faced.

Pidge's friends became stunned for a little while. The first to speak was McClain. "You mean that this hot different universe chick is you!? I guess in that reality you actually grow breasts... and have curves-," before McClain could finish, both Katie and Pidge punched him in the gut. He should thank the stars that they had before Matt and Takashi had the chance to do it themselves.

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