20- My Weakness

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It was forever as Katie explained everything and answered their questions. She only had one more thing to tell them. "Now that all that is out of the way... Let me show you what I'm able to do thanks to my lion, Green," Katie told the six. They leaned in, ready to hear about this other world's Katie, who had unique abilities. 

With a nervous breath, Katie rolled up her sleeve to reveal the vine-like tattoo on her arm. Their faces fell and Katie smiled, knowing they didn't expect what would be next. She closed her eyes, mustering up all the energy she could. Wind grew around her and whipped their hair back and forth. The faces in front of her lit up as they noticed her arm glowing.

Katie slammed her fist onto the ground, silencing the air. At first it seemed as if nothing happened, but then vines came out of the ground right bellow the paladins of Voltron and rose them into the air. Pidge and McClain laughed, later joined by Hunk, while alien Allura and Kogane cried out in fear for the first few moments.

"So? How are the vines treating you?" Katie asked, a smile playing at her lips. "I know your wondering about the other's abilities. Lance can manipulate water, Keith can create burst of fire with his right hand, Hunk can control dirt, sand, anything grainy or earthy under his feet, and Shiro can control the dark. Shadows, mist, and night itself are his abilities. He once conjured up Moonlight Puppies! They were adorable. That's as far as our abilities can go for right now."

Alien Allura was first to speak up, "what about the other me?" Katie smiled. Even though they had these amazing powers, without Allura, Shay, and Coran, they would be useless.

"Our world's Allura is very knowledgeable in many fighting techniques. Karate, Taekwondo, Ninjastu, you name it and she's a black belt in it! She has excellent skills of a leader and a quick mind. Unlike us, she didn't need special powers to be apart of our team Voltron," Katie explained, smiling at the things Allura could do. "She is very intelligent too. I wouldn't want to go against her anytime soon."

A cold wind passed through and Katie felt the urge to get up and run for it. Though, she didn't leave her spot. Oh, how she regretted that. Something swung her over its shoulders and turned to the group.

"Shiro!? What are you doing?" alien Allura asked, stepping towards him. He looked at her and turned away, carrying a reluctant Katie out with him. 

"He isn't your Shiro, he's a clone!" Katie called, seeing a number on his collar bone- 01. Does that mean they plan to make more? Where is this reality's real Shiro? What happened here?

She beat his chest roughly with her fist as she shouted, "put me down right now!" The clone only continued on, pulling her back up on his shoulder. He sneered when she wouldn't keep still and quiet.

"Stop resisting. It'll make all this a lot easier on both you and me," he said, scanning the hallway as if he was in search for a specific thing. He looked from door to door until he saw one with a crown hanging on the handle. Not just any crown, it was Takashi's.

"What did you do to our king?" she demanded as she stared in horror at the crown, bent out of shape with something dripping off of it and onto the floor. Red. Katie's heart stopped.

"Oh, I smacked him with his crown when he wouldn't shut up. The crown surely left his face damaged. Bye, bye pretty face!" the clone evilly cheered as if he was a kid singing about ice cream. Katie wanted to run as his grip on her waist got stronger. She struggled to free herself.

Behind her shouts rung out as both realities' Lance, Keith, and Allura came from behind. Pidge and Hunk were following, but a little slower since they carried something. "Unhand my future sister-in-law!" Allura called, stepping forward.

"Allura, this is not the time to be joking around and daydreaming!" Katie called back as the clone placed a hand on the doorknob, removing the crown. He threw it at them and red dripped to the floor. Allura screamed when she saw. Her knees gave in and she fell to the ground, eyes blank.

"What did you do to my cousin?" Allura screeched clutching the bloody crown close to her chest. Tears threatened her eyes, fearing the worst. Hunk gave a scream as Pidge dropped the object they were carrying on him. 

"Oh, sorry," she sarcastically said, waving her hands in the air. That's when Katie saw it. 02 on her left wrist. Not only had Shiro been cloned, but her reality's self too. "Cirel, I can't believe you went ahead and took action. You have disobeyed direct orders." The clone looked back at her and him.

Suddenly Shiro's clone's skin seemed to melt and shift. His structure changed and a Galra had taken the place of the clone. "Well we kinda learned of something valuable. If we can learn to get to other realms, this could help Lotor in ways that the paladins of Voltron and their lions could never!" Cirel called back, smiling at the thought. Then it hit Katie. The two weren't cloned, they were replaced with fakes.

The phony Pidge thought for a second. "Well, we are both dead anyway. Why not. Your petty idea may save us anyway," she replied joining him at the door. Everyone stared in disbelief. She had changed her appearance too. She was also a Galra, but not quite one at the same time. Unlike Cirel, she didn't have the large Galra ears and the extreme tallness. Instead she had rabbit-like ears and was as short as Pidge.

With that the two disappeared behind the door with Katie. Everyone simply stood stunned as they processed what just happened. 

Allura stood, clutching the crown, and took her own off. She handed both crowns to Keith and Lance. "If I never leave. You two are the new rulers. Wait, where's Matt?" she said, now looking for Katie's brother. Keith just stood, stunned, as he stared at the door.

"He said he'll be useless so he stayed with Coran," Lance responded before soaking in what Allura had previously said, "Wait! What do you mean 'if you never leave'?" She gave him a smile before turning away. 

"No one follow!" she shouted as she entered the room. White. Everything was white. Where was she? Where were Shiro and Katie?


-ThatOneServant out!

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