15-Slav Makes An Entrance!

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Katie and Trigel shared a smile. The others were lost as in what was happening, but Katie only continued on with the greeting. "Are you finally done living in the closet? Maybe you've awoken into the reality. Welcome, we are saving a planet," Katie snapped, smiling at Trigel.

"Yes, I have left that closet and I'm very aware of your role in rescuing this planet," Trigel said, showing a smile similar to Katie's.

"Oh, enough of your nonsensical bickering," a voice said, annoyed by the two. A short man appeared by Trigel's side. He had a mustache and a small face. The only hair he had was three thick green strings popping from the tip of his bald head. "Girl, you have found the legend of alternative reality yet!"

"What," Katie asked, staring blankly at the little man. "Who are you?"

The tiny man smiled up at her from across the cave and his eyes glowed in the firelight. "Why, I am Slav, a man who believes in things your puny little brain will never understand!" Katie began to feel like she needed to punch him, but decided against it. She only muttered an 'okay, then.'

Lance began to laugh. "Who are these guys? Jesters?" he said and laughed harder at his own words. Keith shot him a look that scared the daylights out of the guy. Shay stared at Trigel with wonder. 

"Are you the woman who locked herself in that room?" the maid asked. "Are you Blaytz's wife?"

At the call of the name, Blue rose her head, blocking Lance's view. "Blaytz?" she whispered. Red also looked up at the name.

Green gave them a look. "These are not our world's Paladin's. They may share the same names, but they are not our friends," she told them, continuing to stare at Trigel, who looked remarkably like Green's own Trigel. Though, her Trigel was not human like this one. Instead Trigel was an alien just like the other paladins. Blaytz, Trigel, Gyrgan, Alfor, and Zarkon were the paladins from their reality.

"There is something our new Paladins must learn," Black said, rising to his feet and slinking over to where Katie and Green stood. "We are not from this universe. We come from another." Katie stared in disbelief.

"Wow! Trigel, you were right! I congratulate you!" Slav cheered, bouncing up and down like an excited kid. "We have alternative reality lions in our mists!"


"Matt, stop annoying the king," Mrs. Holt said as she packed away her supplies. Matt sat on Shiro's work desk, swinging his legs like a child. Matt gave his mother a smile.

"Shiro doesn't mind. We're buddies, right?" Matt said, leaning back his head so he could see Shiro's face. In return of Matt's look, Shiro gave a look of tense nerves. Matt had stopped by Shiro's office everyday to have a chat.

He only ranted about random stuff, leaving Shiro room to only squeeze in a few words. Though, the stories Matt told him were very interesting in their own ways. Shiro really was engrossed the stories of Matt's childhood. 

"You never would believe how she acted! Katie would slap her food out of mother's hand when she was just a toddler! It got worst as she got older, she became the pickiest eater alive! She wouldn't eat anything unless mother made her special mash-potatoes to go with it. Katie loved them. She'd dip almost everything in it!" Matt ranted, smiling at his memories. 

Shiro did not know this. Katie was always so secretive and quiet. When she came to the castle, she'd eat everything except the mash potatoes. That did explain why she'd glare at the mash potatoes like they were her enemy. 

"What else was she weird about?" Shiro asked, thinking of how strange the girl already was. Katie was a strange creature to all of them.

"Oh sure, there are like a thousand more stories about her being weird!" Matt cheered, contemplating on which he should tell. He was about to speak when the door was busted open by Shay. 

"Shiro! I have news regarding Katie and her friends!" she shouted, "I tried to stop them, but they would not listen. They were to into what Slav and the lions told them!" Matt had ceased all motion and stared at the maid. Shiro placed the quill back into the ink and stood.

"Shay, what happened?" the king asked, fearing the worst. Shay's eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm afraid they are going after Katie's father! Trigel and Slav showed up and told them about alternative universes. Then the lions explained that they weren't from this universe at all because King Alfor traveled through realities to grab them for this world!" Shay said, panicking at the memory. She grabbed the doorframe for support as she caught her breath. How far had she ran?

Shiro was baffled, tough. How did that tie in with them searching for Katie's father? "Shay, you make no sense.  Slav? What's that? Plus there's no way Trigel left that room, and how is that connected to them leaving to search for Katie's father?"

Shay looked at him as she ran through the previous events of the hour before. "They explained that the spot Alfor opened up a time warp in was the area her brother and father disappeared. She believes they were time warped! She going there now to open the portal!" Shay cried as she clung to the frame. 

Shiro understood what Shay was saying. He and Matt practically flew out the door and into the hallways.  Matt looked desperate as he sped past Shiro, keeping an arms length in front of the king. He looked back and shouted, "We have to stop her! I may not remember what happened to me and father, but I don't want her to go where I was!" Shiro nodded. He may not know what awaited her and their friends on the other side, but whatever it was, he didn't like it.

Outside Allura entered a carriage, preparing to go meet some suitors. "Lady, make room and change directions!" Matt hollered as he and Shiro slowed down before they could rush into the horses. Allura looked confused but told Coran to change their destination. Shay followed them as fast as she could.

"We are heading to Oltron Forest!" Shiro called. The forest was right next to the spot that Katie will be going. Please, allow them to make it on time. The three joined Allura in the carriage and Coran flicked the whip, telling the horses to start going.

SORRY I MISSED YESTERDAY'S UPDATE T^T I got distracted and my WiFi went off at 10. Also I did not edit this twice like I always do so ignore any mistakes! PS I already have the next book in mind!

-ThatOneServant out!

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