13-The Snoopers

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Keith awkwardly stood in front of the three. He had no idea why he wanted to leave the castle in search of them. Maybe it was the thoughts that ran through his head earlier that had persuaded him to do this. "I'm on your side, Katie," Keith said, looking at her then at the ground. 

"Oh, really now? You're on my side even though you went with Shiro and Allura without saying a word to us," Katie said, skeptical of why Keith had come. They looked at each other for a little while with an unspoken battle. Soon Katie gave a sigh when she saw how genuine he was. "Alright, get your butt here and give your friend a hug." Keith smiled and hugged Katie. She mumbled a thank you before turning to the other two.

"Nice to have you on our side," Hunk cheered, smiling at Keith. Keith was not big on hugs, but when Hunk opened his arms and beckoned him, Keith couldn't say no. That was mainly because Hunk went over to him and picked him off in a giant bear hug without asking. Keith laughed. It made sense that this was one of the friends Katie made while away.

The raven-haired male looked in Lance's direction when Hunk put him down. That guy on the other hand was a mystery. Why would Katie associate with him. Keith felt a need to show Lance that Keith was Katie's best friend and that the latino boy couldn't take that spot away from him. Keith noticed a light blush that dusted Lance's cheeks as their eyes met. 

For a moment, Keith thought that Lance might show to be a worthy friend, but then the Blue Paladin turned his head away with sass. Lance put his head back into the fur of Blue, ignoring Keith's presence. The smile on Keith's face faded and he turned to Katie. He expected her to give him a sad smile, but instead she and Green stared at the bridge. 

"Shay?" Katie called out and a figure stepped out from the shadows. The dark brunette smiled down at them as she made her way off of the magical path. 

"Sorry I noticed Keith sneaking out of the castle while I was washing the clothes and followed him," she explained, giving Hunk a glance every few seconds as if she wanted to hug him. Hunk stood and smiled.

"Are you on our side or Shiro's?" he asked her, hoping for an answer Katie would approve of. Shay took a moment to think of what he meant. When it dawned on her, she smiled and said, "yours."


"What are you doing in my sister's room?" Matt asked Shiro, who had moved his hand back to his side. Sweat formed on Shiro's temples as he searched for a fitting excuse. Matt gave him a blank stare, awaiting his response.

"I-I was just missing her so I decided to surround myself in things that were her's," Shiro replied, trying his best to not have direct eye contact with the brunette, "besides, what are you doing in here?" Matt started to look everywhere but where Shiro stood, rubbing his neck. Shiro inquired, "you should be in the medical bay."

Matt gave an awkward laugh. In all honesty this was not his first time sneaking away from his mother and into his sister's room. The first time was back when she was a resident of the castle, but she ushered him back to the hospital wing. After not hearing from her in a while, he decided to try again only to find that she had left the castle in desperate rage a day ago. Matt had looked through everything- from her notes to her diary on the dresser. 

Just by reading the first few pages, he fell in love with the adventures she had. He even found himself anticipating the next page. He was just so engrossed in the tale of her life. He only wished he'd been there to live them with her. 

Katie started the diary the day after he and father disappeared. Matt distinctly remembered how Katie would fume about how mother wanted her to write in it everyday so she never forgot her adventures. Katie would always claim that she was not some little girl with the idea of shoving her feelings in a book for someone else to discover. Now she had written 2,555 pages of her day's story in a 700-page book. It was remarkably overflowing with extra pages she shoved inside. 

"I came here because I missed her too," he said as he glanced at the book sitting on the dresser, the poor thing was unable to be buckled close again. Shiro followed his glance and smirked.

"You want to read it too?" he said, crossing his arms. All that awkwardness from earlier had faded and in its place was King Shiro's usual self. Matt smiled as the two grabbed the stuffed book and took a spot on the floor. Matt flipped to the page he had left on. 

Shiro honestly wanted to start from the beginning, but he did not complain. Matt began to read, "I have only been in this dreadful castle for a week and the people who live here have already made me want to move out. Sadly, that's something I can't do. The only person I like here is Trigel. She's the technician here. She keeps the castle in running order. Apparently this giant hunk of trash is actually a futuristic building and is far ahead of time. The person who built it is unknown, but Trigel says it was created by someone no one knew. What was that supposed to mean?"

Shiro remembered Trigel. She and Katie hung out often, transitioning nerdy objects and words back and fourth. The woman was twenty-five when Katie came along. She had long reddish-brown hair that was always tied up into two pigtails at the back of her head. He remembered her all-knowing brown eyes that peered down at you when she spoke to you. Sadly, Trigel locked herself in a room in the castle and has not come out since. Katie had not asked for her or even knocked on the door when the woman disappeared inside. Trigel's husband, Blaytz, works in the stables and has not even heard from her since. It kills the man to know his wife won't even speak to him. 

Blaytz is a stableboy with blue hair that was always swept backwards, like water flowing from the roots of his head. Shiro remembered the man because he, like many other men, had a small beard that barely stood and inch off of his face and Shiro questioned how they could even be content with the facial hair.

"Who's Trigel?" Matt asked, looking at the name.

Welp, I have become addicted like there's no tomorrow! I have posted Voltron everywhere and memorized all the songs in Hamilton plus some from Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, and Be More Chill

-ThatOneServant out!

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