25- Zarkon Defeated

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Katie rushed inside followed by her companions. They entered the throne room and saw the person they had to defeat. Zarkon smiled warmly at the sight of them. "My son; Allura! Oh, and Katie! What a pleasant surprise. I was beginning to worry. Won't you come give your king a hug?" he said, false love emitting from his eyes. He wanted to play a game of house. He was going to get a game alright.

"Previous King Zarkon, what a surprise indeed, though I doubt it is a pleasant one. What brings you to our kingdom all the way from you hole?" Katie greeted, a smile playing on her lips. Zarkon faltered for a moment, rage taking over. His act resumed and he stood.

"Well, am I not allowed visits to my son and niece? Oh, and my adoptive daughter, too," Zarkon questioned, fake innocence in his face. Katie frowned at his words. She saw that Allura and Shiro did the same.

"I'm afraid I have a mother and a father who own me. You are in no means are related to me. Plus, you abandoned your niece and son. You're lucky their love for you has stood its ground for so long, or they would've welcomed you with Hell in their eyes," Katie snapped, her legs stinging beneath her weight. Her pain must've shown on her face because Zarkon raised a brow.

"Why do you stand so offishly? Are you harmed? You're mother can fix you up. Wait that's right, she's only allowed to see you once a year and you've already paid her a visit. Plus your father is... missing in action," Zarkon sneered, seeming to be tired of the false reunion. If an outsider saw, they might have thought it was a wonderful family reunion with jokes flying around.

"Zarkon, cut to the chase. Why in the world have you taken over the castle, keeping its inhabitants captured, searching for me?" Katie asked, tired of the game more then he. Zarkon's smile fell and seriousness washed over him.

"Can't fool you like I used to, eh? Well, I guess it'd be boring if I easily took your power for my own and the other lions. You want the simple truth? I am here to kill you, strip you of your magic, and take my kingdom back as its new tyrant!" Zarkon shouted, an evil laugh escaping his lips with pure satisfaction at the thought.

Shiro stepped up, shielding Katie with his shoulder. "Father, I hate to be in the wrong, but I am. You are bad and I should have listened to Katie in the first place. Now, I'm on her side and you'll have to pass me first before you even think about hurting her," Shiro warned, glaring at his tainted father. Zarkon didn't show any emotion as he unsheathed his sword, ready to face his son in a battle. 

Allura stood next to Katie, hand on her shoulder. "Cousin, we will join too. Can't let a man fight as we stand to the side, right Katie?" Allura said. Katie nodded and Shiro gave Allura the sword from his waist. Zarkon looked confused.

"What will you fight with? Your hands?" the man asked, not really caring. Shiro smiled.

"As a matter of fact...," he trailed off as shadows stretched and covered the room. Zarkon showed fright for the first time ever, but it was only for a split second. Katie felt Shiro nudge her side as Zarkon shouted in the dark with confused questions. Katie left his side and stealthily ran to where Zarkon was previously. The shadow seemed to lead her to her target. She felt a presence by her side and realized that Allura was also attacking.

Zarkon's shouts got louder. "Why can't I move?" he shouted. Pidge felt Allura's elbow brush against her as the queen readied to strike. Though, the sound of blades clashing or Zarkon's grunt never came. Something had gone wrong. Katie quickly backed up as something slashed the air where she was standing seconds before. She tried to use her abilities, but they wouldn't work. Blue's magic! It was going to take a while for her to be able to use her abilities again.

Katie practically danced in the dark as Zarkon seemed to know every place she was. It was beginning to feel like a ballroom dance, but her partner was one step behind. Katie soon made it back to Shiro's side. "I am unable to use my abilities and yours isn't having an effect on him!" she whispered as Zarkon slashed the place she was previously standing. 

Shiro and her flew apart when Zarkon attacked where they were standing. Shiro's shadow retreated and a confused Allura stumbled around, waving her sword for protection. When she was able to see again, she charged at Zarkon and they clashed swords.

"Shiro your shadow puppet!" Katie called as she slipped behind the male for safety. Shiro had nearly mastered his magic while they were in the other universe. He'd shown Katie shadow puppet before he was captured and sealed away in the room. The shadow at their feet where their dark figures intertwined shook and shot out, grabbing Zarkon's own shadow. It looked like strings attached to his arms and legs. Shiro held a hand out and picked up the string-like shadows.

He began to make Zarkon move. The all powerful villain had become a puppet on a string. Shiro started to have fun as he made Zarkon dance, bringing smiles to their faces. They could tell that Zarkon desperately tried to break free, but was unable.

It happened so suddenly, it was like Katie had only blinked. Ice had froze Zarkon in place. Katie turned to the source to see Keith, Lance, Hunk, and the others standing in the doorway. Hunk saw them and raced toward the three. He clobbered them in a big hug. Keith made his way to Zarkon, a frown marking his face.

"Mother would be disappointed," he said and held his right hand to Zarkon's face. The previous king was incapable of escaping the next move. His arms were restrained by Shiro's shadow while his feet were encased in ice.

Keith grabbed Zarkon's head and fire exploded. Zarkon screamed and it made Katie's stomach drop. She knew that after Keith's unmerciful move that Zarkon wouldn't be a problem anymore. She reached out and gripped Shiro's hand as the scream made her choke. She didn't like violence and would like to avoid gruesome outcomes as much as possible.

I think there will be two more chapter after this one and I might publish the next one tomorrow. I recently looked over Wattpad's maturity rules and realized this book would be under it for the violence in it. Haha I hope no one will hold that against me. Anyway as always ENJOY! (An English project is killing me...)

-ThatOneServant out!

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