05 I think i love her

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He opened the door to reveal...
• Amelia •
When he opened the door we saw....mark he saw me still wearing lingerie he looked me up and down
*uhh Amelia go change...please* Jacob said I nodded and walked upstairs I changed into something comfy
(Pic Up top) when I came back downstairs I saw mark Jacob and Joey *hey Joey* I say walking to the kitchen to get a drink I got a cup of water then went back to the couch I sat down on the other side of the boys *Amelia come over here* Jacob said I smiled and walked over and sat by him he put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him *put on hockey* I said they all looked at me like I was crazy *what I love hockey* I say Jacob chuckled and put on a hockey game *why do you not like hockey so much* Joey asked *well my brother loved it and I would watch it with him all the time and we'd go to hockey games all the time to* I say looking down *oh really where is he* mark asked *he--he-um--he's dead* I say tearing up Jacob hugged me *shh it's ok it's ok* he said I felt safe and I never felt that way ever since my brother died.....I think I love him.
Jacob pov •
Man Amelia is not like other girls she's smart funny beautiful and likes hockey I really like her I'm glad I picked her instead of another girl wait....I think I love her.

Sorry it's so short stupid school ahhh

-Taylor 🖤

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