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• Amelia P.O.V •
I got home after buying Jacob some birthday gifts and let me tell you I need coffee and food it's the only thing that wakes me up. I walked inside and see Jacobs not in the living room so I walked upstairs to our room. Once I opened the door I saw Jackson laying on the bed in only a diaper (*umm hey baby why are you....umm....naked*) I said picking him up. (*OK JACKS TIME FOR A BATH*) I heard Jacob yell (*I have an idea lets prank daddy*) i say in a baby voice and he smiled (*I'll take that as a yes*) I giggle getting under the bed with him in my arms. (*alright Jackson lets get you cleaned u--*) he paused (*Jackson.....Jackson where are you this isn't funny jacks*) he said getting worried. It was going well until my damn phone rang (*Amelia*) he said chuckling I'm hoping he won't look under the bed (*AHHH*) I yell as I'm being pulled out from under the bed my my feet. (*I got you BOTH*) he yelled grabbing Jackson and putting him on the bed (*ok buddy I'm gonna get mama back for scaring me like that*) he said then looking down at me because I'm still laying on the floor. (*Alright you come here*) he said picking me up (*no put me down*) I laugh (*no way you're coming with me*) he said walking into the bathroom (*no no no no no no please no BABY*) I yell as he turned on he shower (*time for your bath*) he said walking into the shower (*AHHH ITS COLD*) I yell as water hits my back. He put me down (*That's what you get babe*) he laughed (*I hate you right now*) i giggle (*you don't say that in bed*) he smirked as he started to kiss my neck (*Jacob*) I moan kissing my sweet spot. I felt him smirk against my neck (*I want you*) he said looking me in the eyes (*I want you too, but we can't right now*) I say running my hands on his arms (*god I wish he could sleep for like an hour or two*) he sighed (*well how about after dinner we drop him off at your moms for the night and pick him up in the morning*) I smile (*well my mom does want him to stay a night with her, but what about your sister*) he asked (*she's probably gonna get drunk and have sex with a stranger so that's a no. I don't need our son seeing his first one night stand*) I said. I look at Jacob and he wouldn't stop smiling (*what*) I ask (*you said our son I love it when you say that*) he said smiling (*I love you*) I said hugging him (*I love you more than words can express*) he said. We got a towel and started drying off (*I'm gonna start dinner while you give our son a bath*) I smile kissing him (*ok babe*) he said.
• Jacob P.O.V •
(*ok now that mommy is gone I can give you a bath*) I say to Jackson who was as happy as a monkey. (*ok so what do think about mommy and daddy getting married and being husband and wife*) I say as I put shampoo on his head (*Oh I forgot you can't talk yet*) I chuckle (*BABE DINNERS READY*) I heard Amelia yell (*OK HANG ON*) I yell. I grabbed a towel and dried off Jackson (*I think I got more of a bath than you did jacks*) I laugh looking at my soaking wet shirt (*ok let's go buddy*) I say grabbing Jackson and walking downstairs. (*ok so I made you a ste--woah what happened to you*) Amelia giggled (*umm bath time*) I chuckle she shook her head laughing (*well when you get done getting changed I made you steak and potatoes*) she said grabbing Jackson from me (*ok I'll get changed*) I said kissing her and walking upstairs.
• Amelia P.O.V •
(*daddy is not very good at giving you a bath*) I giggle laying him down on the couch. (*ok so you're going to stay with grandma tonight because me and daddy are gonna have some alone time*) I say as I make his bottle (*oh what do you have planned*) I heard Jacob say. I look up and see him smirking (*you'll see*) I wink (*dinner's on the table*) I smile (*ok good I'm starving*) he said walking over and sitting at the table (*are you gonna eat*) he asked (*no I'll eat you later*) I giggle (*ok wha-WAIT WHAT*) he yelled. I just smirked (*ok yeah I'm not getting up until this goes away*) he said pointing to his boner (*fine with me*) I smile.


(*I'm here for my grandson*) patty yelled walking inside (*here ya go, he's all ready to go*) I say handing her Jackson (*bye baby I'll see you tomorrow*) me and Jacob say. (*ok have fun you guys*) she said I saw Jacob smirk and I blushed (*okay bye*) I say shutting the door. (*time for dinner*) Jacob said picking me up so my legs were around his torso (*good I'm starving*) I said kissing him.
Get ready next parts gonna be dirty😝

-Taylor 🖤

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