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Btw that's Amelia up there!
• Amelia P.O.V •
I woke up to Jacob snoring he's so cute when he's asleep. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to make breakfast while Jacob and Jackson are still asleep. I was making pancakes when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist (*morning beautiful*) Jacob said kissing my neck (*morning handsome you hungry*) I say putting the last pancake on his plate. (*so can we talk about last night*) he said sitting at the table (*what do you mean*) I asked going back to making pancakes for me because hello I need food. (*the scar on your back*) he said (*umm it's a birth mark I told you that*) I said hoping he'll believe me (*It don't look like a birth mark it looks like a scar*) he said. I didn't say anything I just kept making pancakes because it's not a birth mark it's a scar like Jacob said it happened when I was sixteen way before I met Jacob. (*Amelia please tell me*) he said walking up to me (*ok fine but once I tell you please don't be mad at me*) I say (*I would never be mad at you*) he said walking me over to the table (*ok well before I met you and came here I had a boyfriend that was kinda abusive towards me and one day I didn't do what he wanted so he......he umm.........he stabbed me. I should've broke up with him but I--I thought he was the one but he's not and never will. I already met the one for me and that's you*) I smile at Jacob who was crying (*I'm so sorry Amelia*) he said hugging me (*it's not your fault*) I giggle (*I know but I don't like that you went through that*) he said putting his head down. I heard Jackson crying (*hey don't be upset I'm happy now and I have a baby with the man I love*) I said kissing his cheek and walking upstairs to get Jackson.
• Jacob P.O.V •
(*hey don't be upset I'm happy now and I have a baby with the man I love*) she said kissing me and walking upstairs. I can't believe she went through that I'm never gonna let something bad happen to her again I'm gonna keep her safe. (*hey Jacob can you grab the diaper bag it's at the end of the staircase*) she yelled I got up and grabbed the diaper bag (*I'm coming*) I yell walking upstairs. I walked into Jackson's room and see Amelia standing by the widow with him. (*look jacks there's a bunny*) Amelia said in a baby voice (*OH MY GOD A BUNNY WHERE*) I yelled in a girly voice running to the window (*oh god, Jackson daddy's crazy*) Amelia giggles handing me Jackson. (*So what do you want to do today*) I ask sitting down with Jackson (*umm I'm going to go shopping for your birthday*) she smiled (*no you don't have to I have everything I could ask for*) I say kissing Jackson's forehead (*you got me a gift for my birthday so I'm getting you one. Plus you gave me a little more than a present that night*) she smirked making be blush (*why don't you give me what I gave you and I'm not talking about a present*) I smirked. (*oh trust me I will*) she said in a sexy way (*good and don't get me anything*) I say (*too bad*) she said grabbing her purse (*no don't go*) I say dramatically (*oh stop it I'm getting you a gift. I love you I'll be back soon*) she said kissing me and Jackson goodbye (*I LOVE YOU*) I screamed. I heard her giggle (*I love you too*) she said then the door shut. I really wish she wouldn't get me anything I don't want anything her and Jackson is all I need. I love her and I'll never hurt her. (*ok jacks lets go get you something to eat*) I say seeing him smile
• Amelia P.O.V •
Jacobs birthday is in a week he'll be twenty two. I know what he might like because I have a brother the same age and I've gotten him birthday gifts so I think I now what I'm doing..I hope. I walked into the Jordan store (I forgot what it's called) I'm getting Jacob three different kinds of shoes for his birthday. I was looking around when I guy came up to me (*hi can I help you find anything*) he asked (*uhh yeah actually I'm looking for Nike air Jordan's*) I say (*ok they're over here*) he said walking to the front of the store. I started looking at the shoes when I noticed the guy kept staring at me (*umm I need these kind of Jordan's*) I say showing him a picture (*ok I'll go get them...umm I'm sorry what's your name*) he asked (*umm why are you asking*) I say (*oh don't worry I'm not hitting on you even though you're really pretty. I was wondering because you look like my friends girlfriend*) he said (*oh my names Amelia*) I said (*ohhh you're Jacobs girlfriend, hi I'm Jake*) he said putting his hand out. I shook his hand (*hi I don't think I've met you*) I laugh (*no you haven't Jacob kept me away because he thought I would hit on you*) he chuckled (*sounds like Jacob*) I giggled. His phone started to ring so he checked it (*oh it's your boyfriend*) he said (*ohh go ahead I'll keep looking*) I say walking off and looking at all the shoes.
• Jacob P.O.V •
I decided to call Jake because I was bored Jackson was sleeping so I had nothing to do.

(Phone call) Jacob Jake

Hey man what's up?

Nothing much just you know WORKING!!

Yeah I know but I'm bored!

Well dude I just ran into the hottest girl ever

Oh really good job dude

Yeah her names Amelia and she's shopping for someone's birthday!


Dude chill i told her she looked familiar and she said her name was Amelia and that you are her boyfriend!!

Oh thank god....but still BACK OFF

OK man chill plz she's pretty but I can tell she loves you

Awwww I miss her already. Well I'm gonna take a shower later dude

Later Jacob...have fun with yo girl

Shut up dick

Haha sorry bye


(End of call)
God I want Amelia and I mean I want her with me in bed If you know what I mean. I'm just gonna take a shower until she gets back.
Ohhhh my god my hand hurts from writing so long😂😂

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